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Westminster / Manchester / London Bridge / Parsons Green attacks

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  • Originally posted by Johnnykc View Post
    Couldn't agree more with you Lymes
    blimey Johnny, I need to sit down, you agree with me
    I must away now, I can no longer tarry
    This morning's tempest I have to cross
    I must be guided without a stumble
    Into the arms I love the most


    • Originally posted by Bluehoop View Post
      You seem to know a worrying amount about this Matty, or just knowledge gained from Red Dragon?
      Haha one of me fave quotes from Snatch mate. Admittedly had a little help from IMDB getting the exact wording right though
      You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


      • Did you know MI5 actually pays these people? Including the brother of one of the London Bridge attackers. Pays them for info. This is from last year: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/606...h-security-spy

        "But the promise of cash could lead to fabrications and exaggeration of intelligence, a spokesman for the country's largest mosque has claimed. Salman Farsi, from East London Mosque, said: "When they started dishing out money, everyone was willing for a bit of money to dish the dirt, make stuff up. "

        You couldn't make it up. Fat lot of ####ing good that policy is. It's beyond a ####ing joke. Instead of fannying around paying these people and letting them walk free in our community, they should deport them. Deport the lot of them. If we started deporting all radical Islamists, it would soon stop I reckon. Then they might start thinking, hold on, do I really want to go back and live in that shithjole, or do I want to stay here and receive all the benefits. Deport all of them, all 23,000 and their families. And any fundamentalist preachers. And ban all faith schools immediately. End of.


        • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
          Did you know MI5 actually pays these people? Including the brother of one of the London Bridge attackers. Pays them for info. This is from last year: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/606...h-security-spy

          "But the promise of cash could lead to fabrications and exaggeration of intelligence, a spokesman for the country's largest mosque has claimed. Salman Farsi, from East London Mosque, said: "When they started dishing out money, everyone was willing for a bit of money to dish the dirt, make stuff up. "

          You couldn't make it up. Fat lot of ####ing good that policy is. It's beyond a ####ing joke. Instead of fannying around paying these people and letting them walk free in our community, they should deport them. Deport the lot of them. If we started deporting all radical Islamists, it would soon stop I reckon. Then they might start thinking, hold on, do I really want to go back and live in that shithjole, or do I want to stay here and receive all the benefits. Deport all of them, all 23,000 and their families. And any fundamentalist preachers. And ban all faith schools immediately. End of.
          I agree. Their families must have some sort of inkling as to what's going on surely. If they knew they risked deportation they'd soon start singing like canaries.
          As Tarbie also said, the law needs to be changed pronto. I know you have an alternative view Hubnle on why these animals weren't removed before but I personally believe the watered down anti- terrorist legislation passed over the last decade or so hasn't helped and has left the authorities powerless to act the way they want to in some instances.
          You only have to read through some of the legislation to see that it works in favour of these €unts.
          Proposed laws had to be amended before being passed to appease the wishy washy liberals and their civil liberties boll0x.
          Obviously you can't have the police throwing people in nick just because they are Muslim as that will drive a wedge between honest muslims and the police. BUT, if they have so much as a sniff of suspicion the fu€Ker is up to no good, bang them up and ask questions later. If they're not convinced by the answers they get, one way ticket out of here.
          Extreme Circumstances require extreme measures
          “He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long”
          Will Danaher


          • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
            Did you know MI5 actually pays these people? Including the brother of one of the London Bridge attackers. Pays them for info. This is from last year: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/606...h-security-spy

            "But the promise of cash could lead to fabrications and exaggeration of intelligence, a spokesman for the country's largest mosque has claimed. Salman Farsi, from East London Mosque, said: "When they started dishing out money, everyone was willing for a bit of money to dish the dirt, make stuff up. "

            You couldn't make it up. Fat lot of ####ing good that policy is. It's beyond a ####ing joke. Instead of fannying around paying these people and letting them walk free in our community, they should deport them. Deport the lot of them. If we started deporting all radical Islamists, it would soon stop I reckon. Then they might start thinking, hold on, do I really want to go back and live in that shithjole, or do I want to stay here and receive all the benefits. Deport all of them, all 23,000 and their families. And any fundamentalist preachers. And ban all faith schools immediately. End of.
            I agree with the last part especially. Deport their immediate family as well and that might start getting the right reaction from the Muslim community nb well done the Millwall fan who put his life on the line to save others
            Last edited by lymehoop; 06-06-2017, 06:54 PM.
            I must away now, I can no longer tarry
            This morning's tempest I have to cross
            I must be guided without a stumble
            Into the arms I love the most


            • Originally posted by Hubble View Post

              You couldn't make it up. Fat lot of ####ing good that policy is. It's beyond a ####ing joke. Instead of fannying around paying these people and letting them walk free in our community, they should deport them. Deport the lot of them. If we started deporting all radical Islamists, it would soon stop I reckon. Then they might start thinking, hold on, do I really want to go back and live in that shithjole, or do I want to stay here and receive all the benefits. Deport all of them, all 23,000 and their families. And any fundamentalist preachers. And ban all faith schools immediately. End of.
              Now your talking my language hubs, never thought I'd see this sort of rant come from you

              Bang on the money fella


              • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
                Did you know MI5 actually pays these people? Including the brother of one of the London Bridge attackers. Pays them for info. This is from last year: http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/606...h-security-spy

                "But the promise of cash could lead to fabrications and exaggeration of intelligence, a spokesman for the country's largest mosque has claimed. Salman Farsi, from East London Mosque, said: "When they started dishing out money, everyone was willing for a bit of money to dish the dirt, make stuff up. "

                You couldn't make it up. Fat lot of ####ing good that policy is. It's beyond a ####ing joke. Instead of fannying around paying these people and letting them walk free in our community, they should deport them. Deport the lot of them. If we started deporting all radical Islamists, it would soon stop I reckon. Then they might start thinking, hold on, do I really want to go back and live in that shithjole, or do I want to stay here and receive all the benefits. Deport all of them, all 23,000 and their families. And any fundamentalist preachers. And ban all faith schools immediately. End of.


                • Bit of a change of heart there Hubs? Anyway, nice to see you come around!


                  • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                    Bit of a change of heart there Hubs? Anyway, nice to see you come around!
                    Not sure it is a change of heart at all mate. Hubble has never said anything to suggest he has anything but disdain for these Islamic terrorists.

                    I think the problem is that many can't see the difference between defending normal, peaceful Muslims and being some kind of ISIS sympathiser.
                    Last edited by Tarbie; 06-06-2017, 09:13 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                      Not sure it is a change of heart at all mate. Hubble has never said anything to suggest he has anything but disdain for these Islamic terrorists.
                      Yes, fair point Tarbie. It was more a shift in emphasis that I detected in his post.


                      • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                        Not sure it is a change of heart at all mate. Hubble has never said anything to suggest he has anything but disdain for these Islamic terrorists.

                        I think the problem is that many can't see the difference between defending normal, peaceful Muslims and being some kind of ISIS sympathiser.
                        The vast majority of people, on here or not, can definitely see the difference mate. Rather sadly and if you were here more of the time you would understand, there are far too many willing to defend almost anything, not just islamic terrorists.

                        Two problems with Hubble's solution. One is that unfortunately our laws dictate that you are innocent until proven guilty. The other of course is we can't deport British nationals.

                        Non-Brits I would agree that if they have put themselves in a position to be on a list, send them back immediately.
                        Solitary confinement in purpose built basic cell blocks for the Brits we can't deport. Same would apply to close family of either grouping.

                        Anybody guilty of even the slightest of involvement would be sitting in the electric chair for a short while before being tossed into a landfill site if I had my way, but then again I'm not renowned for my patience.


                        • British nationals to be deported to their country of origin Brighton.
                          Every single one of their mum and dad were not born here. Send the mum and dad as well if must be, they would be more scared of upsetting them than our government.
                          That would be my solution. Pretty sure it would work as well.


                          • This Tommy video from today is jaw drop. They say the mosques are open to all but when confronted its like some sort of bombers social club.


                            • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                              This Tommy video from today is jaw drop. They say the mosques are open to all but when confronted its like some sort of bombers social club.

                              Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.
                              Ooh northern lads love gravy


                              • Originally posted by brightonr View Post
                                unfortunately our laws dictate that you are innocent until proven guilty.
                                That would depend on what you would be innocent of exactly. And if need be, the legal definition of 'innocent' would need some serious revision with regard to any form of extreme Islamic behaviour, including just the rhetorical type.

