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Westminster / Manchester / London Bridge / Parsons Green attacks

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  • Nah the bird in the full burka with only her glasses showing with a tee shirt purposely pulled over it saing 'love' in grenades, knives and guns.


    • @ Stan.

      The real victims

      The bomber reported his teacher for being Islamophobic

      SALMAN Abedi reported his teacher at school for Islamophobia because he condemned suicide bombers, it has emerged. The Manchester attacker – who slaughtered 22 people at a concert by pop-star Arian…

      Little Girls Targeted, Injured & Killed In The Name of ISLAM & As Always Muslim Leaders Come Out To Talk About Fake Islamophobia

      Two muslim groups slammed for failing to condemn attack

      TWO Muslim groups were slammed for failing to condemn the Manchester massacre. The Muslim Public Affairs Committee and Muslim community blog 5 Pillars were accused of “not being on our side” as the…

      Manchester chief of police accepting & posing with the Koran after the Manchester attack. This book is the reason there was an attack ffs

      Met Police will arrest anyone posting anything Islamophobic

      @metpoliceuk https://t.co/1kKBw0SQGE

      But you can threaten to bomb all white people with no charge

      Calls me a racist whilst being racist . For some reason @bedspolice refuse to arrest them for aiming threats & hate at me https://t.co/ZgErjBMKDa
      Last edited by Kevin Mcleod; 27-05-2017, 04:26 PM.


      • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
        Nah the bird in the full burka with only her glasses showing with a tee shirt purposely pulled over it saing 'love' in grenades, knives and guns.
        Did she say something wrong? Or is it just the t-shirt and the fact her face is covered?

        Personally, nothing she said offended me. I disagree with people covering up to that extant in our society though. It's out of keeping with our values and the way we interact in the West. Most Muslims will also tell you that it really isn't necessary either.


        • That tee shirt was quite funny eh?
          Really fitting for the occasion and in no way two fingers up to the dead and suffering


          • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
            That tee shirt was quite funny eh?
            Really fitting for the occasion and in no way two fingers up to the dead and suffering
            Not sure what statement she was trying to make with that mate.

            As I said, that whole get up with only the eyes showing points towards a very radical interpretation of the Quran, which is something I don't believe there is any need for. I have known some very devout muslims who have told me clearly that to cover up to this extent is totally unnecessary. Only a minuscule percentage of the population in countries like Oman and and UAE choose to dress that way. In terms of societies that do dress like this, it really is only Saudi Arabia and some parts of Pakistan as far as I'm aware!


            • How horribly ironic is this. Really sad.


              • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                How horribly ironic is this. Really sad.

                Horrible mate.

                I just feel so sorry for the families.


                • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                  Did she say something wrong? Or is it just the t-shirt and the fact her face is covered?

                  Personally, nothing she said offended me. I disagree with people covering up to that extant in our society though. It's out of keeping with our values and the way we interact in the West. Most Muslims will also tell you that it really isn't necessary either.
                  You're just full of excuses aren't you, and you seem to have the ability to know what 99.9% of Muslims are thinking at any given time.


                  • Originally posted by gaza09 View Post
                    You're just full of excuses aren't you, and you seem to have the ability to know what 99.9% of Muslims are thinking at any given time.
                    Hes been away from England for far to long if he thinks muslims dont have to wear that get up and dont bother to either.
                    Bloody hell, he cant of been to Londonistan for decades,


                    • GMP Longsight
                      We are back on duty today for 12 hours reassuring the Community during our patrols. We will provide you updates as #WeStandTogether https://t.co/vsh10yl5PG


                      • An extremely sad consequence of this awful tragedy is how real hate crime will increase towards muslims and people who look like they may be one. And the ONLY reason that the knuckle draggers behave in such a way apart from being thick, is the extent to which successive governments have been far too wet and weak in not demanding certain standards of behaviour, but rather allowing them to do whatever the hell they like and being too afraid to upset people.

                        Well, the time to worry about not upsetting them is well and truly over. I couldn't give a damn about how many may take offence at things from now on and if it's tens of thousands and it saves one child, then it's going to have been worth it.

                        As Katie Hopkins recently pondered, what is so great about Islam that they all want to come and live in a christian country?

                        Come by all means. Fit into our way of life and we'll help you do it. If you don't wish to, then **** off. Now.


                        • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                          Hes been away from England for far to long if he thinks muslims dont have to wear that get up and dont bother to either.
                          Bloody hell, he cant of been to Londonistan for decades,
                          Yeah, I've been out of England, living in the Middle East and mixing with Muslim people every day. Obviously I don't know what I'm talking about mate!


                          • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                            Yeah, I've been out of England, living in the Middle East and mixing with Muslim people every day. Obviously I don't know what I'm talking about mate!
                            Im going to say you dont know half as much as you think you do mate. The nobody wearing the burka comment proved that to me.
                            Ive been to Dubai about 25 times and i have nowhere near the knowledge of the muslim race as you keep telling us you do.
                            Never saw a woman not in a burka there either.


                            • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
                              Im going to say you dont know half as much as you think you do mate. The nobody wearing the burka comment proved that to me.
                              Ive been to Dubai about 25 times and i have nowhere near the knowledge of the muslim race as you keep telling us you do.
                              Never saw a woman not in a burka there either.
                              They ain't all as easy to spot as you think they are mate. I promise you!

                              And anyway, my point was about only showing the eyes like the lady in the video. That is something you rarely see anywhere but Saudi.


                              • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                                They ain't all as easy to spot as you think they are mate. I promise you!

                                And anyway, my point was about only showing the eyes like the lady in the video. That is something you rarely see anywhere but Saudi.
                                Oh fair enough, the eyes only thing isnt as prevelant ill give you that, BUT there is plenty here now.
                                And like i said before mate, its debate, im not digging you out whatseover,

