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New Training ground development delayed for further season

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  • New Training ground development delayed for further season

    Originally won preferred bidder option to open 13/14 season now put back to 14/15 season allegedly...source


    Should we be worried with all the press speculation on trimming wage bill etc,....?

  • #2
    Not at all. There was originally an urgent or indeed immediate need for us to sort better training facilities. However, since Hughes got together with the board and made significant changes at Harlington, the party line appears to have changed to the effect that the need is no longer quite so urgent.
    I think it makes sense to take time and get the thing just right rather than rush in head first and makes some costly errors now that Harlington is vastly improved. In fact, they seem to have spent a small fortune putting things right at Harlington so why not make the most of it?.


    • #3
      Yes, so true.....it was a debate question but am sure your right! Let's hope everyone remains as positive during the season, all keep reading about presently is trimming wage bill etc,...but we'd needed a clear out of players for sure to make room for all the new ones at that...anyone heard more about Diakite?


      • #4
        It was mentioned by the club a couple of months ago that this was the case. Don't there's any need to panic.


        • #5
          I think the trimming of the wage bill myth is press driven. Sadly they know nothing and speculate everything. We have released more players than we have signed and some of the oxygen thief's we released were being paid mega money for doing nothing. TF says we have reduced the wage bill and on a pure numbers in, numbers out game, I do not doubt him.


          • #6
            I've not heard or read stuff about trimming the wages,.........where's that?


            • #7
              Don't think this is recent news. It was announced before the pre-season by Philip Beard that the new training ground wouldn't be ready next year. They also refurbished harlington because of this. Even right at the start when they announced the plans for a new training ground I think he said that unless we get the builders in the next few days, it would be very difficult to finish it for 2013-2014.

