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Manchester City to swap pair of stars for QPR whizzkid Raheem Sterling

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  • #16
    if the top 4 clubs are chasing him now his value will go up massively in a couple of years

    i reckon hold onto him for now, then maybe see where we are in 2-3 years time

    as i understand it he hasnt signed his YTS contract yet ??


    • #17
      keep him at all costs, think long term, hes one for the future, one for qpr.


      • #18
        Hes going,so best we tout him and get the best we can for him,end of.
        Chelmsford City the home of Radio


        • #19
          Originally posted by HA9 RANGER View Post
          thats worrying if true pete
          No,i wouldnt agree.lets be honest,up to a week ago very few had even heard of him,now we could get £1 million plus 2 city players(strikers please) on loan.Good news if true


          • #20
            We seem to have a player that could be worth something to our club, why let him go now, we didn't have to pay ££££'s for him.

            Our current board should do all we can to keep him here and he could well be worth more than just 1m down the line.

            We can loan players when we want so whats the big deal there?


            • #21
              So few whizzkids do actually develop into good players. Big gamble either way. There is no right or wrong here in my opinion. Let the fence sitting commence.


              • #22
                there is no guarentee about anything

                he may turn out to be a world class player. however more likely that he wont

                its all if buts and maybes. he still has a long way to go in his development.

                we can guarentee 1 million and 2 players. its a very good deal for us. lets face it if the big boys make a bid he is gone.


                • #23
                  Think we are all missing the point here.He is a kid not a peice of meat.He will do what he wants for him and should do it with our blessing what ever he chooses.
                  Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                  • #24
                    Bit like saying I've bought a lottery ticket and it might be worth a few bob come Saturday evening. If someone offered me £100,000 for it now, think I'd take it.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bernie's Barnet View Post
                      Bit like saying I've bought a lottery ticket and it might be worth a few bob come Saturday evening. If someone offered me £100,000 for it now, think I'd take it.
                      I don't think that's quite the same.

                      I would say there is no chance of winning with that ticket however we have a player that all the top teams are looking at and more chance this boy making it than winning the Lotto.

                      As you say we didn't even know about him 2 weeks ago so why not take the gamble and keep him?

                      Our current board is not going to miss 1 million and 2 loan players.

                      In the future we could end up paying 10x the amount for a player of that quality.


                      • #26
                        He's potential, great potential at that but nothing more at this stage.

                        It would demonstrate major ambition and long-term intent by the board to resist all offers, keep hold of the boy and bring him through here.


                        • #27
                          MYU when are QPR ever going to pay 10 mill for a player.LOL
                          Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                          • #28
                            maybe the two loans will push us into the prem

                            then we would get around 40 million

                            which is more than the kid would go for


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Gtleighsr3 View Post
                              MYU when are QPR ever going to pay 10 mill for a player.LOL
                              That's my point, lets keep him here


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Sam-QPR View Post
                                maybe the two loans will push us into the prem

                                then we would get around 40 million

                                which is more than the kid would go for
                                thats a very good point

                                in fact i thought promotion to the prem was worth alot more than that ??

