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Is Mittal a "fit and proper person"?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by paulmason View Post
    I was refering to your assumption That I was making a scathing stack on flavio.
    Get back to the subject I not interesting in a having a petty squabble with you.

    So get over your self, I've apologised either accept it or don't but stop trying to turn the thread into the PaulMason show.

    Back to the subject

    Many postings I have read since 'crashgate' broke have been condeming Flavio for what he has apparently done. Posters have been taking the moral highground whilst screaming for Mittals to take over. I just find it ironic that our 2 billionaire owners are probably less likely 'fit and proper persons' than Flavio yet fans are using this scandal to try to chase Flavio out of the club.

    So many assumptions are being made about the future investment of the club if the Mittals were to take over yet these asssumptions are based on nothing.

    Flavio has brought so much to the table since taking us over and yes he has made mistakes but he has done a lot of good as well and I for one want him to stay.

    It angers me how short peoples memories are and I know it has been said before 100 times before but I think there are a lot of ungrateful fans out there who are automatically assuming the grass is greener on the other side.
    Last edited by W12_Ranger; 09-10-2009, 08:39 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sam-QPR View Post
      W12ranger i think if briatore would have treated the supporters better they may well be supporting him

      he has made it quite clear that he thinks supporters are absolutly nothing. he has increased prices year after year while other clubs decreased there's.

      many long term supporters can no longer go because of this rises.

      where was there support then?

      you reap what you sow

      Sam why do you assume Briatore set the priices?

      I bet you Flavio couldn't even tell you what the ST Price Structure is at the club. However, I bet you Amit Bhatia could and I bet you he had more involvement in setting prices than Flavio did.

      Its been good cop, bad cop all the way and the fans have bought into it....Briatore is arrogant, ignorant and probably not a pleasant man to work for but it doesn't mean his heart is not in the club.

      So if the Mittals took over do you think they'd do away with all the corporate facilities....off course they wouldn't they love it just as much as FB.
      Last edited by W12_Ranger; 09-10-2009, 08:50 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
        Sam why do you assume Briatore set the priices?

        I bet you Flavio couldn't even tell you what the ST Price Structure is at the club. However, I bet you Amit Bhatia could and I bet you he had more involvement in setting prices than Flavio did.

        Its been good cop, bad cop all the way and the fans have bought into it....Briatore is arrogant, ignorant and probably not a pleasant man to work for but it doesn't mean his heart is not in the club.

        So if the Mittals took over do you think they'd do away with all the corporate facilities....off course they wouldn't they love it just as much as FB.
        i tottally agree the mittals would not do away with coperate facilities/ pricing however when someone is taking my money i like them to be respectful. briatore gives the impression he does not care about us. so why should we care about him?

        "crashgate" is just an excuse used by people on here (including me) as ammunition against briatore. if i'm honest i couldn't care less what briatore has done in F1. maybe his ego taking a knock is what he needs. but i know one thing i would rather the mittals take my money than flavio briatore.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sam-QPR View Post
          i tottally agree the mittals would not do away with coperate facilities/ pricing however when someone is taking my money i like them to be respectful. briatore gives the impression he does not care about us. so why should we care about him?

          "crashgate" is just an excuse used by people on here (including me) as ammunition against briatore. if i'm honest i couldn't care less what briatore has done in F1. maybe his ego taking a knock is what he needs. but i know one thing i would rather the mittals take my money than flavio briatore.
          An honest answer, many others should take note.

          Giving your money to Briatore or the Mittals makes no difference because unlike a lot of owners out there they plough the money straight back into the club.

          The thing that I like about Briatore is what you see is what you get and as long as he keeps his distance from team affairs which I believe he has been doing this season then he is ok with me.

          I would sooner give Flavio the opportunity to build bridges with the fan base than to chase him out the door. He has made mistakes but he certainly has the ability to learn to from them. I think we need him to keep moving this club forward like he has been orchestrating; he's brought sponsorship, players and a vision for our club to the table. Sometimes it hasn't gone according to plan but I'd trust him to bring PL football to the club. Meanwhile Amit Bhatia says a few nice words on camera, meets and greets and he is the man to move this club forward.

          Better the devil you know than the one you don't I say, I'm a little cautious as to whether the grass is actually greener on the other side.
          Last edited by W12_Ranger; 09-10-2009, 09:11 PM.


          • #20
            Interesting post about Mittell. I've also heard it said - can't vouch for its truth but a v plausable source - that at their house in India servants are sometimes locked in cupboards etc.

            Sadly people tend to become v rich by being not terribly nice. Flavio is a fairly ridiculous figure, easy to poke fun at and also clearly pretty arrogant but there are a lot more evil ty****s out there, several of them owning British football clubs.

            I'm no great admirer but I do appreciate the money he has brought to the club allowing me to watch players like Buz and Watson that I can finally take some pride in. Its dead true that some posters on here have compared him variously to a serial killer and in another example to Hitler. Its totally OTT and as a poster on here admits much of it really motivated by frustrations about other things - eg Falvio's perceived failure to spend enough money on players etc.


            • #21
              Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
              Interesting post about Mittell. I've also heard it said - can't vouch for its truth but a v plausable source - that at their house in India servants are sometimes locked in cupboards etc.

              Sadly people tend to become v rich by being not terribly nice. Flavio is a fairly ridiculous figure, easy to poke fun at and also clearly pretty arrogant but there are a lot more evil ty****s out there, several of them owning British football clubs.

              I'm no great admirer but I do appreciate the money he has brought to the club allowing me to watch players like Buz and Watson that I can finally take some pride in. Its dead true that some posters on here have compared him variously to a serial killer and in another example to Hitler. Its totally OTT and as a poster on here admits much of it really motivated by frustrations about other things - eg Falvio's perceived failure to spend enough money on players etc.
              Well said!


              • #22
                Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
                Interesting post about Mittell. I've also heard it said - can't vouch for its truth but a v plausable source - that at their house in India servants are sometimes locked in cupboards etc.

                Sadly people tend to become v rich by being not terribly nice. Flavio is a fairly ridiculous figure, easy to poke fun at and also clearly pretty arrogant but there are a lot more evil ty****s out there, several of them owning British football clubs.

                I'm no great admirer but I do appreciate the money he has brought to the club allowing me to watch players like Buz and Watson that I can finally take some pride in. Its dead true that some posters on here have compared him variously to a serial killer and in another example to Hitler. Its totally OTT and as a poster on here admits much of it really motivated by frustrations about other things - eg Falvio's perceived failure to spend enough money on players etc.
                Maybe he can lock agyemang in the cupboard see if it sortas him out ;D


                • #23
                  Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
                  Interesting post about Mittell. I've also heard it said - can't vouch for its truth but a v plausable source - that at their house in India servants are sometimes locked in cupboards etc.

                  Sadly people tend to become v rich by being not terribly nice. Flavio is a fairly ridiculous figure, easy to poke fun at and also clearly pretty arrogant but there are a lot more evil ty****s out there, several of them owning British football clubs.

                  I'm no great admirer but I do appreciate the money he has brought to the club allowing me to watch players like Buz and Watson that I can finally take some pride in. Its dead true that some posters on here have compared him variously to a serial killer and in another example to Hitler. Its totally OTT and as a poster on here admits much of it really motivated by frustrations about other things - eg Falvio's perceived failure to spend enough money on players etc.
                  stainrodisalegend, why is it when some dare say something like flavio should be kicked out of football because of his involvement in 'crashgate', you and others say people think like that because of his "perceived failure to spend enough money on players etc". Why can't it be down to the simple fact of life that the riles say he should be banned ? Why makes rules if you not going to enforce them and why break rules when you know the consequences.


                  • #24
                    Paul and others - I wouldn't be in the least surprised if he is kicked out but you should a) remember he maybe a b*stard but he is our b*astard and b) be a bit less naive and realise that if the "fit and proper" test were enforced with any rigour with proper US Congress style investigations into everyone BEOFRE they were appointed you would probably lose half the owners of the football league.
                    the previous owner of man city, the former thai prime minister, was reckoned by amnesty to be responsible for the deaths of thousands - I'm all for moral probity but think people are being v high minded about flavio on the fanciful belief that all the other owners are whiter than white - and it just ain't so.
                    some people were calling for us to get david sullivan - a dodgy pornographer who, if you want to be moral about it, probably exploited huge numbers. Is he fit and proper?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by paulmason View Post
                      stainrodisalegend, why is it when some dare say something like flavio should be kicked out of football because of his involvement in 'crashgate', you and others say people think like that because of his "perceived failure to spend enough money on players etc". Why can't it be down to the simple fact of life that the riles say he should be banned ? Why makes rules if you not going to enforce them and why break rules when you know the consequences.

                      You make a fair point there Paul.

                      However, why can't some people accept that the FIA's "Ban", was nothing more than a complete stitch up, engineered by someone with their own agenda, from a governing body that has previously turned a blind eye to fairness, grossly unfair compared to the punishment given to the other parties involved in the incident and therefore, hardly something to use as the definitive guage as to somebody's propriety.

                      Out of curiosity, did you listen to the recording of the hearing ?

                      I'm with W12 all the way on this one and feel that perhaps some proper backing and support of our chairman when he is in need of it, may in fact be just the thing needed to change his perceptions of us.


                      • #26
                        So What you are saying is that we should all give him a cuddle and hope he like us ?



                        • #27
                          I wonder if Paul and others alike would continue the their moral high stance and lose their principals on the matter if Briatores sacking from the board was linked to say 10pt deduction or a 7 figured fine.

                          I really think the behaviour of some of our supporters is nothing more than a personal vendetta, 90% of us on here couldn't give a **** what goes on in motor racing.

                          Biggest joke is those who are assumig it will be all change if the Mittals take over, the man earns enough interest a month on his fortune to buy us a top class striker.....wheres the investment??? Please don't talk to me about share holdings either if these guys wanted it that bad, they could have stepped in anytime up to now.


                          • #28
                            What also makes me laugh is the ignorance on most QPR fan sites when it comes to the politics of F1 at the moment. Flavio has been hated by Mosley for a while now, even to the point where Mosley was calling Flavio childish names earlier this season on TV. Max was looking to get Flavio out and in the most humiliating way possible.

                            It's just a shame some of our fans have jumped on the issue without having any knowledge of it whatsoever.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by paulmason View Post
                              So What you are saying is that we should all give him a cuddle and hope he like us ?


                              It is unnecessary, sarcastic comments like that, which let you and those with your differing views down Paul. Instead of answering a perfectly polite question which was intended to establish whether or not you had listened to the hearing before starting your "moral crusade", you avoid it in favour of trying to be clever, but having the opposite effect.

                              I'll ask once more, did you listen to it, and if so, which part made you sure that he was guilty ?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by wicksta View Post
                                What also makes me laugh is the ignorance on most QPR fan sites when it comes to the politics of F1 at the moment. Flavio has been hated by Mosley for a while now, even to the point where Mosley was calling Flavio childish names earlier this season on TV. Max was looking to get Flavio out and in the most humiliating way possible.

                                It's just a shame some of our fans have jumped on the issue without having any knowledge of it whatsoever.
                                Wicksta now I happen to know that you are just about one of the only QPR fans that I have know in my lifetime who is a massive F1 fan. I would listen to your point view on the subject over those jumping on the bandwagon any day off the week.
                                Last edited by W12_Ranger; 10-10-2009, 10:18 AM.

