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Vegas Shooting.

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  • #31
    Okay Columbo, here's the next one for you to knock down: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-1...nt-want-talk-a


    • #32
      Originally posted by Hubble View Post
      Okay Columbo, here's the next one for you to knock down: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-1...nt-want-talk-a
      Interesting read tbf Hubs and some good questions. Trying to be realistic and not adopt a conspiracy theory type attitude, my own personal thoughts to the questions raised would be:

      1) Because the investigation is still very much underway. Also, nobody knows what that note pad was. Could simply be a phone number jotted onto the hotel room notepad.
      2) Tbf he videos do make it seem as though there could be another shooter.
      3) As above.
      4) Wouldn't say this is true. He had 42 guns (many of which were auto or semi auto) and thousands of rounds of ammo. He was shooting for 10mins, so 500 people that were pretty much sitting ducks could easily have been shot.
      5) Tbh it sounds outrageous, but in reality who checks what you take to your hotel room? Could easily be taking a few suitcases up each day for a few days and why would anybody bat an eyelid? t is a hotel after all. Not like he would have walked up the stairs holding guns with bullet belts round his neck.
      6) In America there are shooting ranges almost as commonplace as McDonalds. The guy could quite easily have been frequently attending these places. Plus most of the guns were auto / semi auto which doesn't take a great deal of getting to grips with.
      7) Could be nothing. There are lunatics all over Vegas. Walking down the strip before we had 2 separate nut jobs tell us the world was about to end within 1 hour of eachother.
      8) No idea tbf. Does seem a long time, but I don't know the details. Surely this article isn't trying to allude to the fact that law enforcement purposely took their time to allow the massacre to continue though?
      9) Who knows, but don't see what that has to do with anything? He obviously knew a week ago he was going to carry out this shooting, maybe be was giving his inlaws some financial security before he died?
      10) Really trying to make something on nothing here IMO. Her family lives there, why wouldn't she be there?
      11) Not sure the relevance really.
      12) ISIS would claim reasonability for the fart I done on the tube last week that near enough cleared my carriage.
      13) The most ridiculous of the lot. So because a man has a lot of money he can't have any mental issues?
      14) A close contender for the most ridiculous. What has the frequency of him moving house over the past 45 years got to do with anything?
      15) No idea tbh but at concerts there are often entrances and exits blocked off for various reasons, including to secure the perimeter to stop people sneaking in.
      16) Again not sure the relevance of this.

      I think there are some serious questions that need answering (the whole 2nd shooter lower down the building is interesting) but tbh I think most of these questions are very tenuous at best and trying to force a conspiracy where there isn't one to be had.
      You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Hubble View Post
        Okay Columbo, here's the next one for you to knock down: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-1...nt-want-talk-a
        Hubs, I just don’t get why it’s so unbelievable that a man armed with a range of modified semi-automatic weapons, in an elevated position above Thousands of people tightly packed together, could not have killed and injured so many.
        Those articles keep saying how complex these guns are and that your average layman couldn’t operate one in a sustained fashion. Complex in design they may be but to operate, you point it at something and pull the trigger.
        If people can Learn how to make IED’s from watching YouTube, I’m sure using a gun isn’t beyond your average person.
        “He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long”
        Will Danaher


        • #34
          I'm just sticking that stuff up for debate lads, as you've noted. A couple of things though; that amount of weaponry, even all cased up, would raise eyebrows even at the biggest, busiest hotels, it would be a humongous amount of luggage, think about it. Even one rifle takes up a very large carrying case, and this geezer had what was it, 30 or something?? Plus all that ammo. I mean, come on! As for being able to continuously fire that many rounds, have you any idea what that would be like? Hardcore. I don't think a normal civilian could get anywhere close, even if they had watched a few YouTube vids!


          • #35
            People on here do like to say isis claim for a dropped bottle of milk etc, but is there any proof of this?
            Not being a dick, but i really don't understand where nearly everyone gets this notion.
            All i keep reading is every time they claim something its always them and real.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Hubble View Post
              I'm just sticking that stuff up for debate lads, as you've noted. A couple of things though; that amount of weaponry, even all cased up, would raise eyebrows even at the biggest, busiest hotels, it would be a humongous amount of luggage, think about it. Even one rifle takes up a very large carrying case, and this geezer had what was it, 30 or something?? Plus all that ammo. I mean, come on! As for being able to continuously fire that many rounds, have you any idea what that would be like? Hardcore. I don't think a normal civilian could get anywhere close, even if they had watched a few YouTube vids!
              You may well be proved to be right mate, who knows. Let’s face it, this isn’t just some weirdo flipping out and marching down the high street firing at will.
              I suppose my one and only point is it’s certainly not beyond the realms of possibility that this nutter acted alone, which is what those articles are trying to say couldn’t have possible been the case.
              “He'll regret it till his dying day, if ever he lives that long”
              Will Danaher


              • #37
                you should read the comments on some youtube vids of this. If he dont convince you that ####s are barking mad they will. Gov hoax, end of days,2 shooters and he set up. No one died,its a ploy to take all their arms of them ,just a few lol.
                Chelmsford City the home of Radio


                • #38
                  Originally posted by MattyRangers View Post
                  Interesting read tbf Hubs and some good questions. Trying to be realistic and not adopt a conspiracy theory type attitude, my own personal thoughts to the questions raised would be:

                  1) Because the investigation is still very much underway. Also, nobody knows what that note pad was. Could simply be a phone number jotted onto the hotel room notepad.
                  2) Tbf he videos do make it seem as though there could be another shooter.
                  3) As above.
                  4) Wouldn't say this is true. He had 42 guns (many of which were auto or semi auto) and thousands of rounds of ammo. He was shooting for 10mins, so 500 people that were pretty much sitting ducks could easily have been shot.
                  5) Tbh it sounds outrageous, but in reality who checks what you take to your hotel room? Could easily be taking a few suitcases up each day for a few days and why would anybody bat an eyelid? t is a hotel after all. Not like he would have walked up the stairs holding guns with bullet belts round his neck.
                  6) In America there are shooting ranges almost as commonplace as McDonalds. The guy could quite easily have been frequently attending these places. Plus most of the guns were auto / semi auto which doesn't take a great deal of getting to grips with.
                  7) Could be nothing. There are lunatics all over Vegas. Walking down the strip before we had 2 separate nut jobs tell us the world was about to end within 1 hour of eachother.
                  8) No idea tbf. Does seem a long time, but I don't know the details. Surely this article isn't trying to allude to the fact that law enforcement purposely took their time to allow the massacre to continue though?
                  9) Who knows, but don't see what that has to do with anything? He obviously knew a week ago he was going to carry out this shooting, maybe be was giving his inlaws some financial security before he died?
                  10) Really trying to make something on nothing here IMO. Her family lives there, why wouldn't she be there?
                  11) Not sure the relevance really.
                  12) ISIS would claim reasonability for the fart I done on the tube last week that near enough cleared my carriage.
                  13) The most ridiculous of the lot. So because a man has a lot of money he can't have any mental issues?
                  14) A close contender for the most ridiculous. What has the frequency of him moving house over the past 45 years got to do with anything?
                  15) No idea tbh but at concerts there are often entrances and exits blocked off for various reasons, including to secure the perimeter to stop people sneaking in.
                  16) Again not sure the relevance of this.

                  I think there are some serious questions that need answering (the whole 2nd shooter lower down the building is interesting) but tbh I think most of these questions are very tenuous at best and trying to force a conspiracy where there isn't one to be had.
                  Great considered response there Matty - good to see.


                  • #39
                    Anyone who has been to Vegas would of seen those Hummers driving up and down the strip advertising shooting ranges where you can enjoy a stag party while shooting anything from a .50cal snipe rifle to a top end LMG.
                    Also there was that incident a few years back where a 4 year old accidentally shot their parent with an uzi at one of these ranges; therefore security is very loose.
                    Also getting these guns can be achieved via mail order, straight to your door in plain wrapping.
                    Even here in Canada, I am able to mail order a refurbished Russian SK semi auto (full auto are illegal in Canada) assault rifle firing nato rounds, and all I have to do is enter my gun licence number on the order form. The only condition I have to abide by is paying for a trigger lock and a lockable hard case in case the rifle goes missing in the mail system.
                    Will be interesting to see the results of the autopsy, as I'm sure they will find some sort of drug in his system, as shooting that many rounds in that period if time would be very draining for someone that age with no apparent background in the military.
                    Minds Are Like Parachutes.
                    Work Best When Open...


                    • #40
                      I still reckon my last pound is safe.


                      • #41

                        Eye Witness: "definitely more than one shooter", "people shooting on the ground"


                        • #42

                          NEW: Mandalay Bay security guard was shot before the concert shooting occurred, according to Las Vegas sheriff Lombardo


                          • #44
                            Thanks for that Kev. The official story is already falling apart.


                            • #45
                              One for the flat earth climate change crew.

                              Tried to tell you guys, but Noooooo https://t.co/DZbG2wd1Ue

