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Westminster / Manchester / London Bridge / Parsons Green attacks

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  • I thought he was a Luton football hooligan?

    Not sure, but i just presumed he changed his name to protect his family identity after death threats.

    Looked that craig murray up due to being called ignorant for not knowing him, has got a 23 year old bird the lucky git. Hes deffo doing something right


    • Originally posted by Kevin Mcleod View Post
      I thought he was a Luton football hooligan?

      Not sure, but i just presumed he changed his name to protect his family identity after death threats.

      Looked that craig murray up due to being called ignorant for not knowing him, has got a 23 year old bird the lucky git. Hes deffo doing something right

      There are 2 prominent Tommy Robinson's from Luton. One being the former head of the MIG's and an absolute horrible b@stard by all accounts. The other one being the Tommy Robinson in the video who was actually born Steven Yaxley. Dunno why he chose to take the name of his home town's most renowned football hooligan as his pseudonym though!


      • Seen loads of pictures of him with the luton firm from years ago and even now.

        Oh and please don't say 'im having a go mate', its debate and as much as the subject upsets and angers me so much i really enjoy the debate and respect every single persons opinion even when i dont agree.
        Last edited by Kevin Mcleod; 25-05-2017, 08:46 PM.


        • Originally posted by vanhoop View Post
          A British terrorist group will form soon . Eye for an eye , they take innocent people so tit for tat. About ucking time too, all this bowlarks we stand together!! like f**k we do its time to fight fire with Fire.
          first comment on here that made me feel less sick. got to happen eventually. they call it the house of war. lets do it then.
          hubble i know exactly what you are saying about false flags. and it probably is (caveat). in fact the whole thing is a set up for your replacement. read the kalergi plan. look at the charlemagne prize, its roots and recipients.
          yes our governments and representatives are traitors with no doubt a few exceptions. it is being allowed to happen and encouraged. BUT this does not mean wahabi/salfist islam does not have its own agenda. in brief. the traitor ruling class want replacement.
          western society is too free too educated too democratic and too rich. however islamic jihad says, we will take your country if you offer it. . our governments think they will replace our gene and culture then put the replacements back in their box. the invader thinks, when we take over we will kill those traitors. this is all only possible because half the british are what lenin called the useful idiots.
          you cannot have 24 dead kids at a kids party and another 50 in hospital having limbs amputated and "carry on as if nothing has happened and forgive"
          I DO NOT FORGIVE....as another elsewhere said. "if you cannot remove a rotten apple from the barrel, you must isolate the whole barrel from the crop"


          • hubble is your tag postmodernist ironic?


            • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
              Do you disagree that the Saudi's sponsor terrorism? It's been stated by the US authorities that the Saudis were behind 9/11. It's a well known fact that the Saudis funded the terrorist forces in Syria such as Al Nusra front. It's a well known fact that the Saudis promote Wahhabism - the radical form of Islam that is behind all Islamic terrorism in recent times, including ISIS. Why then, is it so far fetched to conclude that they might be behind this attack too?
              There's something there that doesn't add up there, Hubble. ISIS have apparently now claimed responsibility for the attack, so presumably this nail bomber was a member of ISIS. We now know he was a mule operating within a larger network. So if the Saudis are supporting ISIS why would the Conservatives be such strong allies with them, knowing that ISIS are behind all these attacks across Europe? Corbyn's Labour are the complete opposite - they want to cut ties with the Saudis and stop all arms sales to them. So it makes no sense that we're being attacked by ISIS on our soil, whilst a Tory government is in power. Unless you think Theresa places our arms dealings with the Saudis as more important than her responsibilities of protecting her own citizens from terrorist attacks? As for the timing of it with the election I now fail to see how this attack could improve her diminishing position in the polls, when if anything I'd have thought it would boost Corbyn's. I realise that he's more lax over immigration but he is hardline over ending arms trades to the Saudis.


              • stanley..sincerely with all due respect..your analysis takes no account of chaos theory or that there are different powerful groups with their own agendas. sometimes cooperating sometime foes. so May or anyone else cant just make a logical beneficial decision and expect that outcome.

                by chaos theory i mean for instance bryzinski setting up mujahadin 35 years ago and the part it plays in todays situation

                and that debt that the lefties like to rack up, is bought by saudi sovereign wealth funds....we are owned...when they play the pipe, we dance.
                Last edited by QPR71; 25-05-2017, 11:40 PM.


                • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
                  I'll tell you something though, I agree that many of these people should not even be in this country. And it was a Blair immigration policy that opened the floodgates. I also agree we have been far too soft in dealing with radical Islamism. I do not believe we should have Islamic faith schools in this country, preaching a religious view of the world that is entirely at odds with modern, rational thinking. We, the ordinary people of this country have been betrayed by successive governments whose interests, it seems to me, are serving themselves and their paymasters, not the general public.
                  last time i was here, you were arguing what a wonderfully enriching religion it was and the marvels of the spanish caliphate(800 years of servitude and war). now its floodgates betrayed, far too soft etc


                  • Ooh northern lads love gravy


                    • Bellow is spot on
                      Ooh northern lads love gravy


                      • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                        There's something there that doesn't add up there, Hubble. ISIS have apparently now claimed responsibility for the attack, so presumably this nail bomber was a member of ISIS. We now know he was a mule operating within a larger network. So if the Saudis are supporting ISIS why would the Conservatives be such strong allies with them, knowing that ISIS are behind all these attacks across Europe? Corbyn's Labour are the complete opposite - they want to cut ties with the Saudis and stop all arms sales to them. So it makes no sense that we're being attacked by ISIS on our soil, whilst a Tory government is in power. Unless you think Theresa places our arms dealings with the Saudis as more important than her responsibilities of protecting her own citizens from terrorist attacks? As for the timing of it with the election I now fail to see how this attack could improve her diminishing position in the polls, when if anything I'd have thought it would boost Corbyn's. I realise that he's more lax over immigration but he is hardline over ending arms trades to the Saudis.
                        Concur completley with this . Also Labour is actually gaining on the tories in polls from today. Maybe its not as certain as i was certain it was.


                        • May calls a snap election for the remoaners who've hounded since June 23. It's been planned since 6 months after the brexit vote. Corbyn the melt of a man is licking his lips with his ethnic supporters. Was voting may but thinking ukip , anything to out Muslims that don't abide by our rules.
                          Ooh northern lads love gravy


                          • The reason the Tories will gain out of this is because they have the hardest stance on immigration out of all the major parties. I mean seriously, would you want a pacifist like Corbyn in charge if bombs are going off in major cities at home?

                            When you consider that it's documented fact that ISIS are heavily funded by Saudi, and documented fact that our Torie government support the sale of arms by the billion to Saudi, why is this article being looked at as so far fetched?

                            I'm not a fan of conspiracies and rubbished Hubble's previous suggestion on this thread of our government having a part to play. But this article makes a lot of sense and comes from a credible source!
                            Last edited by Tarbie; 26-05-2017, 07:14 AM.


                            • Fair play to him I agree with everything he said


                              • Originally posted by Bigdave View Post
                                Fair play to him I agree with everything he said
                                You know what, he's correct in everything he says in my opinion. Obviously public stoning and executions ain't coming back, but he's right about dealing with these people harshly.

                                But there are flip sides to every story. Yesterday it was reported that the US launched a drone attack on Iraq in March that they have admitted killed 105 innocent people. That's 5 times as many as died in Manchester, a lot of them women and children. And I bet you it will get zero coloumn inches in the UK press this morning.

                                If we want to deal with the problem, we need to fix the mess we've made in the Middle East.
                                Last edited by Tarbie; 26-05-2017, 07:29 AM.

