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Bosingwa sparks fury after claiming he is unfit to train or play

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  • #16
    i know its base but he deserves a good kicking to sort him out.


    • #17
      Originally posted by kron-1664 View Post
      i know its base but he deserves a good kicking to sort him out.
      I'm surprised Hill or Derry ain't given him a good clump "accidently" tbh. What an absolute pr1ck that man is - I thought it was bad enough before reading this but that's just the icing on the cake. As somebody above has already mentioned - how on earth is this not a breach of his contract? The employment protection footballer's have is unreal.
      You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


      • #18
        Originally posted by zeberdee View Post
        The players are too powerful. This story just feeds into all the reports at QPR of dressing room unrest, players in factions, eating in their cars to avoid spending time together, playing crap then blaming one another, having to call in the FA in to referee disputes, ended up with two separate training sessions if the reports are true. Don't see how that gets repaired by just getting shot of Bosingwa even if that is possible. It is bigger than that.
        Birch has already stated it's all nonsense and I'd rather believe him than some jumped up journo.


        • #19
          if this carries on i hope we just strike up a deal with him to terminate his contract and stipulate that he cannot take up employment elsewhere for the duration of his contract with us, thisll stop him taking the **** out of us and the population at large. this entire saga is testament to hughes and his lack of man mangement and research, i didnt know many chelsea that had a good word to say about him and that was before he even joinrd us. caaaaaaaaaaaaaant


          • #20
            the sorriest excuse for a PROFFESIONAL footballer - ******


            • #21
              fair play to arry for outting him............bounder of the highest order!!
              you know nothing john snow!!!!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Rangers77 View Post
                Why are we still paying this toss pot's wages????
                Because some idiot decided to give him a massive 3 year contract worth about 8 million. So short of paying up his contract we're ****ed he can sit here and just take the money. I would like to look into is he in breech of contract and sack him, he's a CANCER in our club. I wish we had the wherewithal to let him rot for the next 3 years and ruin his career,


                • #23
                  Originally posted by dave58 View Post
                  Because some idiot decided to give him a massive 3 year contract worth about 8 million. So short of paying up his contract we're ****ed he can sit here and just take the money. I would like to look into is he in breech of contract and sack him, he's a CANCER in our club. I wish we had the wherewithal to let him rot for the next 3 years and ruin his career,
                  agreed.we will have a 'winston bogarde' scenario here thanks to the fool that was mark hughes!
                  you know nothing john snow!!!!


                  • #24
                    Frickin' hell. This (hunt is gonna make the Rowan Vine debacle seem like a welfare dispute.

                    Anyone know if the groundsman at Harlington has a tree shredder?


                    • #25
                      thats the problem of signing old rejects for big money and long contracts. I wonder how the hell QPR officials didnt have half brain to rethink before buying and making deals.
                      if he refuse to train then QPR has all rights/reason to fire him like any employee who doesnt wanna do his job. Simple and suits us


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by HoopDoggyDogg View Post
                        The club should just send him to an Independant Doctor with no connections to club whatsoever to prove his lies, he would then look a complete mug if fit to play
                        Surely if they did this and get proof he is lying, then thats breach of contract isn't it?


                        • #27
                          He'll just pay the doctor off!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by rockandroll View Post
                            thats the problem of signing old rejects for big money and long contracts. I wonder how the hell QPR officials didnt have half brain to rethink before buying and making deals.
                            if he refuse to train then QPR has all rights/reason to fire him like any employee who doesnt wanna do his job. Simple and suits us
                            He can just claim to be mentally unfit, which will be difficult to disprove.
                            How on Earth did he get a 3 year deal?

