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The Tarbs/Traore Conspiracy Theory

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  • The Tarbs/Traore Conspiracy Theory

    Ok, I am not a conspiracy theorist at all, and I am probably reading too much into things, but there are quite a few things that don't add up with the absence of these two.

    First of all, why would Hughes drop Taarabt completely against Man City. He's the number 10, the supposed star player. If the game is 1-0 to City with ten mins to go, you need someone like Tarbs to be available to come on and try and unlock the City defence. I don't get it why he would have been completely dropped. I think it's possible something happened, and that Tarbs and Traore (who seem best buddies) walked out. After all, didn't this happen last season - where they both went AWOL, we all thought it was because they had gone for international duty, when in fact, they were supposed to be at the match. Didn't Chamakh play a day later for Arsenal, even though he was meant to go on international duty too with Morocco.

    And then they're both "injured" and haven't played since. Both. At the same time. And they're both supposed to be returning ... at the same time! This makes me think there might have been some bust-up, that MH fined them and that they're both being punished, but the club did not want this information getting out, and so we're being told of an "injury" to both of them.

    I'm not saying the above is what has happened, it probably hasn't, but I just feel a bit paranoid at all the coincidences and things that don't really add up.

  • #2
    Thing is, how much time did Warnock give Adel last season?

    To me, Hughes gave him more of a chance and got more out of him. He got him to sign a new contract, and like you said gave him the number 10 jersey. He has backed him in press conferences, why would he do that? He has shown that if he doesn't want a player he will cast them into purgatory and never think twice.


    • #3
      MH definitely did give Adel a chance. I just have a funny feeling (probably not true, but I still have the feeling) that as Tarbs was responsible for the goal against Swansea that effectively killed us off, MH decided to drop him against Norwich, and then Tarbs (and maybe Traore) had a stroppy or something, and MH didn''t tolerate it and fined them and told them they won't be playing for a month or so, or until they improve their attitude.


      • #4
        To me, that's fine though. Because Adel needs to to add more to his game, he might dislike Hughes now but if he becomes a better player then in the long run he will thank Hughes. And hopefully we will too.


        • #5
          provided the manager is in charge of the dressing room, and retains the confidence of the dressing room, then all will work out ok.
          come on you r's!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Marshy View Post
            Ok, I am not a conspiracy theorist at all, and I am probably reading too much into things, but there are quite a few things that don't add up with the absence of these two.

            First of all, why would Hughes drop Taarabt completely against Man City. He's the number 10, the supposed star player. If the game is 1-0 to City with ten mins to go, you need someone like Tarbs to be available to come on and try and unlock the City defence. I don't get it why he would have been completely dropped. I think it's possible something happened, and that Tarbs and Traore (who seem best buddies) walked out. After all, didn't this happen last season - where they both went AWOL, we all thought it was because they had gone for international duty, when in fact, they were supposed to be at the match. Didn't Chamakh play a day later for Arsenal, even though he was meant to go on international duty too with Morocco.

            And then they're both "injured" and haven't played since. Both. At the same time. And they're both supposed to be returning ... at the same time! This makes me think there might have been some bust-up, that MH fined them and that they're both being punished, but the club did not want this information getting out, and so we're being told of an "injury" to both of them.

            I'm not saying the above is what has happened, it probably hasn't, but I just feel a bit paranoid at all the coincidences and things that don't really add up.
            I love a good conspiracy theory....but I think he dropped Adel for City because against Swansea, himself and Cisse looked like they hated each other/ had never met before/ couldn't see each other on the pitch...


            • #7
              To be honest, Iīm not that impressed by Adel any more. His atttitude is overall poor and so are his shooting and set piece efforts as well.
              IMO, he doesnīt want to be here. Ps. I had so high hopes for him, but he letīs me down time and time again.
              Sad state of affairs,hence I agree with the starting posterīs take at the situation on the hole.
              Best team in the world
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