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Why does Warnock sound like a tourist

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  • Why does Warnock sound like a tourist

    ... who has just got off the tube at Trafalgar Sq?

    I'm a massive fan but yet another post-match interview where he just sounded happy to be playing the likes of City. We - and he - earned that right by tearing the Championship apart and have earned it all over again by playing Chelsea and City of the park. I'm glad he is enjoying the Prem and he has earned it after a very long, hard and largely unglamorous career but now I think he should be raising expectations - I know its very hard to be disappointed after losing with a perfomance like the last one but if we get done at Stoke I would like to see a bit of the old Warnock back - angry and snarling. I don't want any more of this smiley "I'm just so happy me" malarky.

    Sorry, I realise this makes me sound like Victor Meldrew...

  • #2
    Not at all.
    A bit of Meldrew from Warnock would be nice after losses, I agree.
    I think he is probably very different behind closed doors, and I guess he wants to keep that private (so it should be) but he does look unnaturally cheerful sometimes.
    Yesterday we were all happy, granted, but there have been other times when the smile should have slipped a bit.
    Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


    • #3
      I imagine Traore would like to see a bit more of the happy warnock, he seems to get it in the ear form warnock quite regularly

      I know he was at fault for the 2nd goal with the wayward cross but look at all the good things he has done,
      its New Era number 8 i tell thee, bring on the fireworks


      • #4
        He does seem to have it in for Traore a bit...youngest player in the team. Hmm.
        That cross was actually like several during the game, which found their way to the likes of Faurlin on the edge of the box.
        Just unfortunate no-one was there for that one.
        Not worth berating him for that much, though.
        And in front of telly cameras, too.
        I'd forgotten about that until you pointed it out.
        Faurlin is my hero!!! Love him!!! #########


        • #5
          bring back the grumpy git with a chip on both shoulders
          he now looks more like a male model for Saga magazine
          he seems to have had loads of 'work' done on his hair,teeth and image
          i liked him better when all other fans hated him


          • #6
            Don't you think he's trying to keep everyone "level".Not getting too down when we lose,and alternately not getting too carried away with a win?


            • #7
              Haven't seen him moan about traore? Did he do it again? Heard him say ferdinand was at fault for one of the goals.


              • #8
                Oh come on peeps were never happy. We moan when he drags traore to one side after getting sent off stupidly and rollicking him (like the old warnock) then we moan when hes smiling all the time (the new warnock). You can't have your cake and eat it.

                Surely like me he must be beaming with pride after the way we played against City and even though we lost his smile showed how proud he was of the way we played. The guy is just loving it back in the PL so don't begrudge him that. Personally i think Traore and Ferdinand would both have got a rocket up the @rse from Warnock about the 2 mistakes but for gods sake we were playing Man City. Against lesser teams we may have got away with those mistakes but fook me we ran city all over the place so why shouldn't he smile. Warnock has said many times this is the best team he has ever managed and thats why he's smiling cos in a short space of time he's turned us from a bottom half championship team to a worthy PL Team. For foook sake stop nit picking. He's one of the best managers we've ever had probably behind only Sexton, Venables and maybe Gerry first time around. Just let him get on with his job.
                Last edited by Naarven Mankey; 07-11-2011, 10:59 AM.


                • #9
                  To be fair Traore's crossing wasn't good on the whole. He definitely needs to improve that side of his game. A pity because he's got good pace and gets into the right positions, but just needs to improve his delivery.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stanley76 View Post
                    To be fair Traore's crossing wasn't good on the whole. He definitely needs to improve that side of his game. A pity because he's got good pace and gets into the right positions, but just needs to improve his delivery.
                    Thats true mate. If the guy can work on his crossing he's gonna be a great threat going forward. Looks calm in possession and has a nice touch but just needs to work on his crossing.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by QPRDave View Post
                      Don't you think he's trying to keep everyone "level".Not getting too down when we lose,and alternately not getting too carried away with a win?
                      Exactly. Nail and head come to mind.

                      Let's be honest after a performance like that how you be angry. I know we lost and that's ultimately all that will matter, but we outplayed the best team probably in the world for long periods. They won the game because their strikers are lethal and ours are not.

                      With Aguero / Dzeko up front for us, we would have won that game convincingly.


                      • #12
                        As Harry said after the Spurs game that at half time he could hear it all kicking off in the rangers dressing room. So I don't think Neil has lost any of that anger if were not performing, just probably mellowed In front of the cameras due to too many fines off the FA these days and the number of managers with heart complaints


                        • #13
                          If Warnock critizes Traore he knows that he is capable to bounce back at his next opportunity.
                          If only Adel could "function" like that....
                          Best team in the world
                          Sort of


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stainrodisalegend View Post
                            ... who has just got off the tube at Trafalgar Sq?

                            I'm a massive fan but yet another post-match interview where he just sounded happy to be playing the likes of City. We - and he - earned that right by tearing the Championship apart and have earned it all over again by playing Chelsea and City of the park. I'm glad he is enjoying the Prem and he has earned it after a very long, hard and largely unglamorous career but now I think he should be raising expectations - I know its very hard to be disappointed after losing with a perfomance like the last one but if we get done at Stoke I would like to see a bit of the old Warnock back - angry and snarling. I don't want any more of this smiley "I'm just so happy me" malarky.

                            Sorry, I realise this makes me sound like Victor Meldrew...
                            For the first time in his managerial career he's in the PL and he has the financial backing to make a right go of things. I'm sure thats why he seems so happy, understandably. He probably also realises that this could be his last chance of achieving some success before he retires, so he may as well enjoy it whilst it lasts. I'm sure the players see his other side in the dressing room and on the training ground.

