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Brian Woolnough: "WAR OF WORDS"

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  • Brian Woolnough: "WAR OF WORDS"

    "WHY haven’t Bernie Ecclestone and Flavio Briatore invested in QPR this summer?

    What did they enter football for?"
    he writes.



  • #2
    Press are catching on.


    • #3
      At last the press seem to have realised what we've known all along.

      These articles can only help our situation by embarrassing T & C and hopefully alerting any potential new buyers.
      1st Game - QPR v Wolverhampton Wanderers on Tuesday 30th October 1979



      • #4
        Why do the press pick up on the fact that they want rid of warnock? they know that he is the best man for the job..do they think that ranieri or which ever other big name italian would come in and be happy not spending any money.

        they are perfectly in their rights as warnocks boss to ask him to keep his thoughts to himself and not go spouting off to any media outlet thats loking for a juicy soundbite.

        Warnock is and has always been a media hoare and loves the controversial..look at martinez at wigan or moyles at everton as to how to conduct yourself with the media.

        if in any other business you wander around having a pop at your bosses to anyone who wanted to listen you may expect a tug into their office for a slap on the wrists.


        • #5
          Most famous people subscribe to a press cuttings service so any article that mentions them is sent to them. Would dearly love to know whether Briatore and Ecclestone do because their image is gradually going to be trashed - and it has nothing to do with Warnock's outbursts. You can just imagine Alan Hanson on MoTD etc after another 4-0 drubbing for the Rs: "I just don't understand why QPR's owners who are meant to be the richest in the world are leaving their team to be humiliated week in week out because they haven't backed Neil Warnock." People are not stupid and the evidence will be there for all to see. Don't think Hanson, football columnists etc are going to be taken in by signing injured West Ham cast offs on free transfers.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 3London View Post
            Why do the press pick up on the fact that they want rid of warnock? they know that he is the best man for the job..do they think that ranieri or which ever other big name italian would come in and be happy not spending any money.

            they are perfectly in their rights as warnocks boss to ask him to keep his thoughts to himself and not go spouting off to any media outlet thats loking for a juicy soundbite.

            Warnock is and has always been a media hoare and loves the controversial..look at martinez at wigan or moyles at everton as to how to conduct yourself with the media.

            if in any other business you wander around having a pop at your bosses to anyone who wanted to listen you may expect a tug into their office for a slap on the wrists.
            So why are they scolding him in public?


            • #7
              Tango & Cash embarrassed by a daily rag? I think not.

              Them kind of people are so hard nosed when it comes to business articles like that mean absolutely nothing to them. As long as the spondooliks keep rolling in its business as usual.

              I'd probably go as far as to say they probably no nothing of the article & it would only become news to them if a lawyer of theirs contacted them because it contained something libelous.

