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  • #31
    Originally posted by kron-1664 View Post
    tbh not really, i hate being beat, dont care who it is either.

    and with all the shenanigans going on, no new players signed and Taarabt seemingly on his way. I don't think QPR will be doing well at all.

    A season like Derby's is beckoning...and I wont enjoy that at all.


    • #32
      Im honestly looking forward to it.

      The goal is simply to stay up and I think we will.


      • #33
        Looking forward to getting up there getting lashed up and shouting my nuts off.


        • #34
          I'm looking forward to it because then I can just watch the game and see what's happening with my own eyes (good or bad), instead of reading loads of rumors and never knowing what to believe or what'll happen next.


          • #35
            Originally posted by RussRanger View Post
            No problem with you mate. I do get a bit wound up with the "Let's all be happy" brigade because I know a lot of supporters like me who have now been priced out and can't afford to go so miss out on the whole matchday experience and pre/post match P*ss ups as well and will spend Saturday's in Tesco's instead.

            For those who have tickets, fair play to you all. Well done. Just consider those supporters not as fortunate as you who have invested a lot of years and a lot of energy and time to the cause, who helped out in times of trouble and now are well and truly mugged off.

            Wish we all felt as happy as you guys but we don't and I'm sorry about that and for being a miserable sh*t through no fault of my own. Say "hello" to the tourists for me.
            this is not a pop at you personally, but a general comment as a whole - maybe if people were to forego the whole p*$$ up thing before and after, maybe going to the R's on a matchday would be more affordable. After all, watching the match is the main event, anything else is just a sideshow which is expendable imo.


            • #36
              Originally posted by twranger View Post
              this is not a pop at you personally, but a general comment as a whole - maybe if people were to forego the whole p*$$ up thing before and after, maybe going to the R's on a matchday would be more affordable. After all, watching the match is the main event, anything else is just a sideshow which is expendable imo.
              Fair point. But it still cost me around £20 in fares just to get there and as a walk up customer I'd still be looking at a minimum spend of around £70 just to go and come back. Even if I took a packed lunch. Last season, similar would have cost me around £40-£45. I can't justify that sort of expense even without the luxury of having a couple of beers. It's just too dear for me to go now and my family come first.


              • #37
                Originally posted by RussRanger View Post
                Fair point. But it still cost me around £20 in fares just to get there and as a walk up customer I'd still be looking at a minimum spend of around £70 just to go and come back. Even if I took a packed lunch. Last season, similar would have cost me around £40-£45. I can't justify that sort of expense even without the luxury of having a couple of beers. It's just too dear for me to go now and my family come first.
                Fair point returned! - agreed, end of the day family are no1 priority. Footie is a luxury and not the be all and end all.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by twranger View Post
                  Fair point returned! - agreed, end of the day family are no1 priority. Footie is a luxury and not the be all and end all.
                  At last someone has said this.

