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Transfer rumours

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  • #31
    Originally posted by hoopsmanjake View Post
    Where has kerman been? Forgot all about him
    Leyton Orient bench.


    • #32
      Originally posted by SheepRanger View Post
      Im glad Archer may stay - he looked decent when he played and would be fine if Dieng leaves.

      Richards - Well words fail me. Perhaps he will go out on loan to get his wages covered. This auto loan to perm irrelevant of performance must have been an FFP wizz.
      Sorry mate must disagree with you about Archer. I’d release him and sell Dieng for whatever money we can get for him.


      • #33
        Originally posted by scaz_QPR View Post
        Luke Amos,
        Leon Balogun, Olamide Shodipo, Conor Masterson, Charlie Owens and Ody Alfa will also be departing Loftus Road.
        Shame about Amos, just couldn't hit the net.

        Chris Martin, Jordan Archer, Elijah Dixon-Bonner, Aaron Drewe and Stephen Duke-McKenna remain in discussions with the club regarding their futures.

        Taylor Richards’ loan has automatically become a permanent, three-year deal with Rangers remaining in the Championship next season - while the club have also exercised the options to extend the contracts of Chris Willock, Joe Gubbins and Charlie Kelman to the summer of 2024.
        Brilliant news all around there, imho.

        I thought Masterson was half decent, but no manger really fancied him.

        Let's get some players in who are fit, and actually bothered.


        • #34
          My assumption is GA is looking to pad the squad out cheaply hence Kelman and Duke-McKenna. Would have liked to see more of Dixon-Bonner, looked reasonably lively in what little time he got.

          I remember someone saying Richards had suffered a rather nasty bereavement this season. I'm happy to wipe the slate clean with him and see what he can do next season. Did see some flashes from him so was disappointed he didn't get any actual games.

          Assuming Dieng goes Archer a sensible replacement. Has Championship experience and will not cost anything. We have a couple of young back up keepers.

          Amos a shame but just too much time injured. Wish him well wherever he ends up.


          • #35
            Also isn't Richards a QPR fan?
            Always going to give those more time to settle in as I doubt he's going to not be playing if he can be.


            • #36
              Originally posted by LordLoftus View Post
              Also isn't Richards a QPR fan?
              Always going to give those more time to settle in as I doubt he's going to not be playing if he can be.
              He's a Hammersmith born R's fan yeah


              • #37
                I honestly cannot understand Kelman and Duke-McKenna. Kelman has not been prolific in League 2 and DM has got very little playing time during various loans.

                Archer hasn’t been that convincing when I have seen him but admit I have seen little.

                Sad to see Amos go but understandable. I have time for him but his injury record makes him a no go given we go for a small squad. Moreover, he isn’t a hoof ball player. Where ever Amos ends up, he might face a pay as you play contract.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Isleworth116 View Post

                  Leyton Orient bench.
                  Oh see why we've kept him then makes sense


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by FurtiveFox View Post
                    My assumption is GA is looking to pad the squad out cheaply hence Kelman and Duke-McKenna. Would have liked to see more of Dixon-Bonner, looked reasonably lively in what little time he got.

                    I remember someone saying Richards had suffered a rather nasty bereavement this season. I'm happy to wipe the slate clean with him and see what he can do next season. Did see some flashes from him so was disappointed he didn't get any actual games.

                    Assuming Dieng goes Archer a sensible replacement. Has Championship experience and will not cost anything. We have a couple of young back up keepers.

                    Amos a shame but just too much time injured. Wish him well wherever he ends up.
                    Dixon-Bonner on bench Monday. Bristol City winning, Stef and Dozzell come on, he stays on bench. Dixon-Bonner made one 1st team appearance in his career. Why keep him? Ainsworth mustn't rate him.


                    • #40
                      Should definitely have released Duke McKenna. He hasn’t cut the mustard in league 2 so how the hell is he championship standard. Even if he’s on £2k p/w that money would be better spent elsewhere

                      Keeping Kelman is worrying too as it suggests he may feature next season. Additionally keeping hold of Martin too. Literally no goals or pace with Dykes, Kelman and Martin

                      Alberts staying by the looks of things and rumour has it that Willock is off even though we’ve extended his contract by a year

                      It would be refreshing if we did some business early rather than wait till the last minute as we normally do

                      Lots needed for us to be competitive in this league otherwise I fear we will be heading for league 1


                      • #41
                        Can't believe Albert is being kept on. Its embarrassing watching a winger try to sprint who has no pace left in him and can't go past his man before putting a cross. Him and Martin are the sorts of players who should be staying away from. Neither can play 90 mins and neither are quick enough to play the type of football that GA is saying we will be playing next year.

                        Kelman is the same. Too small, no pace and doesht score goals. DM may turn into a decent player I'd he has the right players around him. He's a big lad, can pass and has energy. We don't have many lads that have a presence and can last 90 mins.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Dono77 View Post
                          Can't believe Albert is being kept on. Its embarrassing watching a winger try to sprint who has no pace left in him and can't go past his man before putting a cross. Him and Martin are the sorts of players who should be staying away from. Neither can play 90 mins and neither are quick enough to play the type of football that GA is saying we will be playing next year.

                          Kelman is the same. Too small, no pace and doesht score goals. DM may turn into a decent player I'd he has the right players around him. He's a big lad, can pass and has energy. We don't have many lads that have a presence and can last 90 mins.
                          Big lad? he's 5ft 6. Were you in the hobbit film series Don?
                          I played sunday league football today.

                          Clearly I was the best player on the pitch.

                          I scored 5 and made 7 last ditch tackles.

                          We lost 5-0 but the rest of my team were sh it!


                          • #43
                            Agree with the released list. Amos had to go, bang average at this level but to be fair we're currently below average. However, his injury record is appalling and we need players who can play week in, week out.

                            Amazed the club are in discussions with Duke-McKenna. Hardly had a kick at a league 2 club. Will never be a Championship player. Taking the extensions out on Kelman and Gubbins is similarly mind boggling. Kelman found his level last season and Gubbins didn't really get much game time in non league. None of these lads are kids anymore, they're all turning 22 or 23 soon and will never be at our desired level. The club is hemorrhaging money and we're wasting roughly £150k a year on players like the above. Surely that money would be better spent on wages for a proper player?

                            We've had the same approach for years and when has it worked? Not one player we've continued to persist with into the ages of 23, 24 has suddenly become a sensation.

                            Ferdinand needs to go. We don't need a DOF. Save the money and invest it into the squad and let the manager decide on the players he wants.

                            The club is an absolute mess on and off the pitch. The signings Ferdinand has spent money on have been disastrous in general. What's the clubs identify now? The youth model hasn't worked. We've binned managers known for an attractive style of play after signing players to fit that strategy and now we're stuck with a manager who prefers a more direct style and players who generally don't.

                            WTF are the owners doing? Who is making and advising all these decisions? If the fans can see it's a shambles then what is going on!


                            • #44
                              The youth system has not worked. However prior to the last two disastrous seasons player recruitment was looking pretty good. We had a number of players worth £5m+. However their values have gone through the floor since then. Player recruitment, with exceptions, since then has been poor and we have had two dramatic season collapses in a row. The word reset has been used a lot but that is what we need and then a couple of seasons to hopefully get back to where we were. Surviving last season was important and it will be similarly important next season. Had we gone down that would have set us back probably a further two seasons on top, maybe more.

                              GA is used to working on a shoestring and for me is as good a bet as anyone given where we are now. I'll be interested to see what the squad looks like by the end of the summer window. Trying to be positive, a few decent freebies and a few good loans and things may not look quite so bad even allowing for the expected exodus.


                              • #45
                                Anyway, back to rumours.

                                I'd imagine a lot of uninspiring signings but they will actually work out quite well. Players who work hard, can play week in week out. Remember the non flashy signings of Derry and Hill? A similar approach will be taken and I'd guess more than a few will be from lower Championship clubs or League 1.

                                We'll be aiming for mid table and the signings will reflect that.

