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Another Les Bash

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  • topperharley
    I get the idea of Les' role. But the facts say he's simply not been good enough.

    Coaching & scouting have not yielded luch positives, we are still signing too many players at an overall loss, be they loans or not. We feel very reactive to our form/manager, rather than proactive. Lots of talk of who and what we want to be as a club, but not enough happening to get us there.

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  • FurtiveFox
    We have Les partly as the owners do not have time to get too involved so he oversees football side and Hoos oversees non-footballing side.

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  • Harrow QPR
    Originally posted by Abseits View Post
    But the brief bit of "success" we achieved a decade or so ago was by dint of massively overspending, falling foul of FFP and generally being a joke of a club.

    I would say the job of Lee/Les was to recalibrate the club and get used to having a massively reduced budget and operating in a sensible legitimate manner.

    In that context I think the best we could hope for is top half finishes with a chance of play-offs maybe. Aside from this season we ware kind of achieving that sort of level, and going into this season the team looked okay on paper and indeed, delivered the goods on the pitch for about 16 games too.

    I think we all know the score with Beale, injuries, disappointing loans, no kids coming through so I'm not sure how much "blame" to lump on Les/ Lee. Yeah, the buck has to stop with them but I feel there are massive issues within the coaching and youth set-up that need overhauling first.

    I'd give Les/Lee this calendar year to get a grip and give GA (or whoever is in the manager's hot seat) the tools they needs to turn us around and make us consistent and competitive again. If they cant do that I agree they'd both need easing out the door and some fresh faces with new ideas should be sought.
    But why do we need Les to keep our spending budget low ?
    Just tell the manager he has x amount to spend on players wages etc .
    Les has been here long enough , we are still pissing money up the wall and the quality of signings is #### at best.

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  • FurtiveFox
    Originally posted by Abseits View Post
    But the brief bit of "success" we achieved a decade or so ago was by dint of massively overspending, falling foul of FFP and generally being a joke of a club.

    I would say the job of Lee/Les was to recalibrate the club and get used to having a massively reduced budget and operating in a sensible legitimate manner.

    In that context I think the best we could hope for is top half finishes with a chance of play-offs maybe. Aside from this season we ware kind of achieving that sort of level, and going into this season the team looked okay on paper and indeed, delivered the goods on the pitch for about 16 games too.

    I think we all know the score with Beale, injuries, disappointing loans, no kids coming through so I'm not sure how much "blame" to lump on Les/ Lee. Yeah, the buck has to stop with them but I feel there are massive issues within the coaching and youth set-up that need overhauling first.

    I'd give Les/Lee this calendar year to get a grip and give GA (or whoever is in the manager's hot seat) the tools they needs to turn us around and make us consistent and competitive again. If they cant do that I agree they'd both need easing out the door and some fresh faces with new ideas should be sought.
    Pretty much how I see it. Our attempts at competing in the Premiership were catastrophic though well intentioned. Have left us in a mess. We have seen signs of improvement and this has just turned into a very bad year after such a promising start.

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  • Abseits
    But the brief bit of "success" we achieved a decade or so ago was by dint of massively overspending, falling foul of FFP and generally being a joke of a club.

    I would say the job of Lee/Les was to recalibrate the club and get used to having a massively reduced budget and operating in a sensible legitimate manner.

    In that context I think the best we could hope for is top half finishes with a chance of play-offs maybe. Aside from this season we ware kind of achieving that sort of level, and going into this season the team looked okay on paper and indeed, delivered the goods on the pitch for about 16 games too.

    I think we all know the score with Beale, injuries, disappointing loans, no kids coming through so I'm not sure how much "blame" to lump on Les/ Lee. Yeah, the buck has to stop with them but I feel there are massive issues within the coaching and youth set-up that need overhauling first.

    I'd give Les/Lee this calendar year to get a grip and give GA (or whoever is in the manager's hot seat) the tools they needs to turn us around and make us consistent and competitive again. If they cant do that I agree they'd both need easing out the door and some fresh faces with new ideas should be sought.

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  • 72bus
    Cab for Les

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  • Harrow QPR
    Originally posted by topperharley View Post
    Saw this online. Couldn't agree more.

    The man cares about QPR but overall during his tenure this club is in a worse place than it started and he is the constant. Lee Hoos can shoulder the blame also but he has at least some experience on his CV that indicates he can do a job here and I'd be prepared for him to stay. Les should go, and not be replaced.


    “The biggest problem at QPR and why we’re in such a mess ultimately it comes down to the owners because they took over the club when we were debt-free, we got promoted to the Premier League, we blew all the money, we managed to come back up and we did the same thing again when having a chance to sort of reset but we blew it all over again,” Louis explained.

    But then since we’ve sort of come back down in 2015, Les Ferdinand – it’s got to the point where, and this is a couple of years overdue as well, how is he still in the job? Why has he not been sacked?

    The amount of managers we’ve gone through, the amount of players that have come through the door that we’ve signed for money and end up going for free or end up being sold for cheap or end up being rubbish – it’s down to him.

    “He’s running us into the ground, this is by far the worst I’ve ever seen QPR in my lifetime, it’s just dismal and the run continues and that’s why you’re now seeing a lot more questions asked of people like Les and Lee Hoos and the chairman and the rest of the owners.

    “It’s an absolute disgrace and I just worry that this will continue if nothing serious is done at the top end of this club, because look at it since Ferdinand has been here – it’s been an absolute disaster and it continues to get worse.

    “We will not move forward as a football club with him still in charge in the director of football role – you either get him out, and the board would get a lot more respect if they sack Les, and you get someone in the role who knows what they’re doing or just don’t get a director of football at all.”
    Absolutely spot on and could'nt agree more .
    While Ferdinand is here we will keep getting worse , only under these diabolical owners he has survived this long .
    Ferdinand was a great centre forward for us but a useless director of football. get rid ASAP.

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  • topperharley
    started a topic Another Les Bash

    Another Les Bash

    Saw this online. Couldn't agree more.

    The man cares about QPR but overall during his tenure this club is in a worse place than it started and he is the constant. Lee Hoos can shoulder the blame also but he has at least some experience on his CV that indicates he can do a job here and I'd be prepared for him to stay. Les should go, and not be replaced.


    “The biggest problem at QPR and why we’re in such a mess ultimately it comes down to the owners because they took over the club when we were debt-free, we got promoted to the Premier League, we blew all the money, we managed to come back up and we did the same thing again when having a chance to sort of reset but we blew it all over again,” Louis explained.

    But then since we’ve sort of come back down in 2015, Les Ferdinand – it’s got to the point where, and this is a couple of years overdue as well, how is he still in the job? Why has he not been sacked?

    The amount of managers we’ve gone through, the amount of players that have come through the door that we’ve signed for money and end up going for free or end up being sold for cheap or end up being rubbish – it’s down to him.

    “He’s running us into the ground, this is by far the worst I’ve ever seen QPR in my lifetime, it’s just dismal and the run continues and that’s why you’re now seeing a lot more questions asked of people like Les and Lee Hoos and the chairman and the rest of the owners.

    “It’s an absolute disgrace and I just worry that this will continue if nothing serious is done at the top end of this club, because look at it since Ferdinand has been here – it’s been an absolute disaster and it continues to get worse.

    “We will not move forward as a football club with him still in charge in the director of football role – you either get him out, and the board would get a lot more respect if they sack Les, and you get someone in the role who knows what they’re doing or just don’t get a director of football at all.”