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Is Mittal a "fit and proper person"?

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  • Is Mittal a "fit and proper person"?

    Thank you for Gobbles from LFW for researching this, I was going to post something similar on here yesterday but never got around to it. With more posters on WATRB taking the moral highground than any other MB in their witch hunt of Flavio its about time we balanced the argument on here. Oh and mods please don't take this down in because of your childish feud with LFW posters....

    Is Mittal a "fit and proper person"?

    Seeing as there has been so much hot air and hand-wringing about Briatore supposedly telling someone to crash one of the world's safest cars into a wall (in the most morally bankrupt sport there is) and the subsequent delight from some that this could lead to Lakshmi Mittal taking over, perhaps some should look at this section on his wikipedia page and ask, is Briatore so bad?

    Slave-labour allegations
    Employees of Mittal have accused him of "slave labour" conditions after multiple fatalities in his mines During December 2004, twenty-three miners died in explosions in his mines in Kazakhstan caused by faulty gas detectors.

    The Mittal Affair: "Cash for Influence"
    Main article: Mittal Affair
    Controversy erupted in 2002 as Plaid MP Adam Price exposed the link between UK prime minister Tony Blair and Mittal in the Mittal Affair, also known as 'Garbagegate' or Cash for Influence. Mittal's LNM steel company, registered in the Dutch Antilles and maintaining less than 1% of its 100,000 plus workforce in the UK, sought Blair's aid in its bid to purchase Romania's state steel industry.

    The letter from Blair to the Romanian government, a copy of which Price was able to obtain, hinted that the privatisation of the firm and sale to Mittal might help smooth the way for Romania's entry into the European Union.
    The letter had a passage in it removed just prior to Blair's signing of it, describing Mittal as "a friend."

    Environmental damage
    Lakshmi Mittal purchased the Irish Steel plant based in Cork from the Government for a nominal fee of £1. Three years later in 2001, it was closed, leaving 400 people redundant. Subsequent environmental issues at the site have been a cause for criticism. The Government tried to sue in the High Court to have him pay for the clean-up of Cork Harbour but failed. The clean up was expected to cost €70m.

    And while we are at it, let's check out the past of Roman Abramovich.

    Personally I don't have a problem with either of them.

    People have short memories I think we should be supporting Flavio not hunting him down like a crazed mob, I have found the conduct of some of our supporters on this MB in particular nothing short of a joke with regards to this matter!
    Last edited by W12_Ranger; 09-10-2009, 07:29 PM.

  • #2
    To be fair, we would not take it down!!

    Makes some good points.

    I knwo the point being made is a general one. Agree with the sentiments, we could find holes in everyone and none of us are perfect. The pursuit of wanting Flavio out does us no favours in my humble opinion, even though you might not like the guy.


    • #3


      • #4
        It don't matter if he is fit or proper, as he is filthy rich, which seems to be the only important thing.


        • #5
          Originally posted by paulmason View Post
          It don't matter if he is fit or proper, as he is filthy rich, which seems to be the only important thing.
          Excuse me paulmason, seeing as you been one off the main perpetraitors in which you describe Briatore as a 'Vile Cheat' is that the best response you can give?


          • #6
            Vile cheat was what steve Howard from the sun said, I just cut and pasted it. If you took your head out of flavio's backside, you would have realised that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by paulmason View Post
              Vile cheat was what steve Howard from the sun said, I just cut and pasted it. If you took your head out of flavio's backside, you would have realised that.
              Apologies refused to read the thread on the basis that I thought you making a scathing attack on Flavio.

              Oh and obviously I don't read The Sun.


              • #8
                I think if we tried to find a squeaky clean millionaire we would be in dire straits. Where there is big money, there is always something unsavoury. I think it is all down to the presence or lack of legal verdicts regarding some serious wrongdoing. Flavio has had one handed down to him very recently, hence all the hullabaloo. What about Mittal, I think no such (recent) verdicts?
                Banning people is no longer my hobby,
                but take a look at my photo blog:


                How and why did I start supporting QPR in Estonia:


                • #9
                  to save you time looking, here is what I posted.

                  "Why this vile cheat must be Kicked out
                  Steve Howard in today's Sun, page 69

                  WE are always hearing what a hardline administrator Football League chairman Brian Mawhinney is.
                  Some sort of tough guy who brooks no argument.

                  Well, today he has a chance to show it when the Football League meet to discuss the footballing future of discredited motor-racing ty**** Flavio Briatore......"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
                    Apologies refused to read the thread on the basis that I thought you making a scathing attack on Flavio.

                    Oh and obviously I don't read The Sun.

                    Typical sandal wearing, happy clapping, one size fits all clap trap. Maybe if you wernt so up youself, you would not make such stupid assumptions.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by paulmason View Post
                      Typical sandal wearing, happy clapping, one size fits all clap trap. Maybe if you wernt so up youself, you would not make such stupid assumptions.
                      No mate I just stopped reading comics when I was a kid.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
                        No mate I just stopped reading comics when I was a kid.
                        I was refering to your assumption That I was making a scathing stack on flavio.


                        • #13
                          W12ranger i think if briatore would have treated the supporters better they may well be supporting him

                          he has made it quite clear that he thinks supporters are absolutly nothing. he has increased prices year after year while other clubs decreased there's.

                          many long term supporters can no longer go because of this rises.

                          where was there support then?

                          you reap what you sow


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by W12_Ranger View Post
                            No mate I just stopped reading comics when I was a kid.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rieger View Post
                              made me laugh that one too

