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Goodbye forum I have decided to leave

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  • Goodbye forum I have decided to leave

    Guys, I have decided to leave this forum and I will not come back until Harry is here. And maybe even when Harry goes, I will still not come back. Life is too short for arguments, and so I will send this final message before leaving. I hope the moderators let this message pass through their filter, because I think in a forum everyone should be allowed to have their say, and this is mine.

    I joined this forum because I used to read a few posts and I saw some wrong things being said and so I wanted to pass on my knowledge to others. What use is knowledge if you keep it to yourself and don't pass it on? This doesn't mean to say I know more than everyone else, no, but I don't care if I don't know more than anyone else. This isn't a competition where I want to be the best. What I do know is that I have spent years following this game, I have not only followed how QPR have progressed, but I have watched other leagues, I have seen non-league games, I know about Serie A, La Ligue. Bundesliga, Ligue 1 - ok, I don't really follow the Dutch league but I still know plenty about Dutch football. I know about international football, not just England, but other countries. So I think I am in quite a good position to know this game well and not be fooled by the media, this is why I straight away said that Harry is an awful choice. Sadly some people on here took my knowledge to be a statement of arrogance, when it wasn't. If you go to a doctor, are you going to argue with the doctor because the doctor knows more than you? Of course you won't. Yet some people started arguing with me, despite me never even saying I know more than them. I know I have extensive knowledge of the game, you might have a more extensive knowledge than me, I don't know you, but instead of respecting my understanding of the game, some people started to mock me and started to be abusive to me. They resorted to tactics to bully me, and isn't it funny how vanhoop cannot have read any of a thread and as soon as I mention his name, he shows up in the thread? Maybe it is a coincidence, or maybe vanhoop really is the guy they use to try and threaten others on this site. I don't know, I hope it is the former because if it is the latter, let me tell you this, I am not leaving this site because I am scared of that vanhoop guy, I am leaving this site because life is short and we should try and spend every moment of it being happy.

    Finally, to those who take pleasure in getting posters banned because those posters are supposedly Fulham, troublemakers, trolls, WUMs and have you what. Let me ask you this - is the person who stays largely in his own threads a troll or the one who comes into his threads and starts trouble? Is the person who doesn't call others names the troublemaker or the one who swears at that person the troublemaker? Is the person who tries to walk away from an argument the WUM, or the person who chooses to not use the Ignore feature and keeps following that poster around?

    So yeah, I am out of here, and I am happy for krill to kill Marshy once and for all, because I have said what I needed to. I leave not because you bullies managed to bully me out of this forum, I leave because life is too short for arguments and some of you just like to argue whenever you can.


  • #2
    Son ,when youve grown up ,come back and enlighten us all . Untill then ,go and get laid ,have a punch up ,smoke some weed ,get a decent job ,settle down and grow up...............
    Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


    • #3
      Vanhoop is gunning for ya, he put £3000 on Leeds to win the Championship after you tipped them !

      Have you seen Reservoir Dogs ?
      "Steve, do you think 25k is a good option when there are indications that within four years, new stadiums on average have increased attendances of 60%?
      For us that would mean around 29k."

      QPR Richard 16-12-2013 10.08pm


      • #4
        Originally posted by Marshy View Post
        Guys, I have decided to leave this forum and I will not come back until Harry is here.
        You want Harry to come on this forum????


        • #5
          Originally posted by Marshy View Post

          So yeah, I am out of here, and I am happy for krill to kill Marshy once and for all, because I have said what I needed to.

          No doubt you will be back under a new name before the season is over


          • #6
            Originally posted by Brian Wilson View Post
            No doubt you will be back under a new name before the season is over
            May I suggest the username "Bad Penny"?
            'Only a Ranger!' cried Gandalf. 'My dear Frodo, that is just what the Rangers are: the last remnant in the South of the great people, the Men of West London.' - Lord of the Rings, Book II, Chapter I - Many Meetings.


            • #7
              How did this thread get out of pre moderation, fellas???


              • #8
                Originally posted by dsqpr View Post
                May I suggest the username "Bad Penny"?
                Or Eleven Pence Ha'penny.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rangers77 View Post
                  How did this thread get out of pre moderation, fellas???
                  It was a quiet night and I let it through just for kicks. Sorry


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      I love threads like these


                      • #12
                        Wow there are some odd balls around....


                        • #13
                          Im half tempted to start a campaign to keep Harry as manager if it keeps this numpty off the board


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              But Marshy will this mean you will just give one alias up or will you disappear full stop?
                              I blew a lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic. - The one and only Stanley Bowles

