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Tory boys

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  • Tory boys

    Genuine question ...............
    Judging by the Conservative conference ,your party is in complete disarray , and is unfit to govern us in such an important time in British history . Boris Johnson is trying to make a leadership bid on the back of Theresa Mays abject failure at sorting a Brexit deal .....The only thing i can gather that the Conservatives are united on ,for the country is ................
    wait for it .............
    Waiters are going to be able to keep all their tips !!!!!!!
    Yes , waiters can keep all their tips
    Brilliant ,that has been ,the question on everyones lips .............. will waiters be able to keep their tips ? Yes they will !
    Wicked , we now know the country is in safe hands .........

    So the question is , can the Conservatives sort out this mess ?
    ( the question isn`t , could Labour sort it out ? , as there are so many staunch Torys on here ,i`m interested on your views on the state of the Conservative party at the moment and the situation the theyve led the country into )
    Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers

  • #2
    Im a tory boy and to me a corbynsaurus led leftie labour government dont bare thinking about...MAY has been a disaster as pm and imho no party has any real leaders or credentials to be a success...maybe time for a new party with fresh ideas.
    you know nothing john snow!!!!


    • #3
      Jacob Rees-Mogg for PM!

      Boris made a good speech yesterday though tbf.


      • #4
        Qprted for pm
        you know nothing john snow!!!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Factamondo View Post
          Qprted for pm
          Ted would do a better job than Boris , JR Mogg etc no doubt .. ,.Prime ministers questions would certainly be interesting !
          Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


          • #6
            Come on Lyme and the rest of Tory boys ............can your lot get us through this ?
            Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


            • #7
              In answer to your original question Vespa, I’m not sure.

              I honestly think that the real problem, one that has been around for the last 25 years or so now, is a combination of the generally abysmal standard of our politicians nowadays, along with the ever increasing move towards becoming a nation of pathetic, bleating wimps.

              Conservative and Labour politicians from yesteryear, were in the main, decent, principled people who I for one could respect and like, regardless of their differing views.

              Over the last couple of days, we’ve had the ridiculous situation of a University wanting to ban clapping, (giving glad hand gestures instead) and the Labour Party banning Julia Hartley-Brewer from next years conference because she refuses to apologise for her “Safe space tweet”. All due to the offence and anxiety they may cause.

              And quite clearly, the situation isn’t being helped one little bit by both the traiterous political classes and wet lettuce fanatical remainers, refusing to come together in the interests of the country as a whole and present a united front and back their own country over the disgusting EU. It seems to me that real politics has been ignored for far too long now due to the ongoing bleating about it and not just delivering what the people voted for.


              • #8
                Originally posted by vespa View Post
                Come on Lyme and the rest of Tory boys ............can your lot get us through this ?
                got to agree with you on the Conservatives Vesps. That May speech yesterday was pathetic. Interesting times, expect a lot of trouble if her Chequers plan gets through. Nice post brightonr, agree with that. Think Labour have let the working class down on their stance on Brexit too
                I must away now, I can no longer tarry
                This morning's tempest I have to cross
                I must be guided without a stumble
                Into the arms I love the most


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lymehoop View Post

                  got to agree with you on the Conservatives Vesps. That May speech yesterday was pathetic. Interesting times, expect a lot of trouble if her Chequers plan gets through. Nice post brightonr, agree with that. Think Labour have let the working class down on their stance on Brexit too
                  Problem with Labour is ,they don`t have a stance on Brexit . Corbyn always was anti Europe , while all the new momentum Labour members are pro and the old traditional working class Labour supporters like myself on the whole voted for Brexit .
                  If Labour come out for a second referendum then they will lose the support of all their core voters who voted for Brexit .
                  Interesting times indeed .........
                  Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


                  • #10
                    Maybe you will end up with a similar deal with EU like the one we in Norway have?
                    Last edited by Shania; 07-10-2018, 10:43 AM.
                    Best team in the world
                    Sort of


                    • #11
                      That May song and dance routine was a ####ing embarrassment.That's all I can remember about the faceless parade of self interested politicians falling over themselves in order to sell the democratic process down the river and shoulder aside an opposition similarly entrenched.
                      Borrocks to the lot of 'em!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vespa View Post
                        as there are so many staunch Torys on here
                        We are the Tory Boys or WATTB is our sister website.

                        Have not really being following it closely but why is May always dancing these days?

                        Is she trying to reclaim the dance from those who initially took took the p!ss out of it? "Look at me, I'm dancing and I don't care what you think" sortofthing? #dancegate


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vespa View Post
                          Genuine question ...............
                          Judging by the Conservative conference ,your party is in complete disarray , and is unfit to govern us in such an important time in British history . Boris Johnson is trying to make a leadership bid on the back of Theresa Mays abject failure at sorting a Brexit deal .....The only thing i can gather that the Conservatives are united on ,for the country is ................
                          wait for it .............
                          Waiters are going to be able to keep all their tips !!!!!!!
                          Yes , waiters can keep all their tips
                          Brilliant ,that has been ,the question on everyones lips .............. will waiters be able to keep their tips ? Yes they will !
                          Wicked , we now know the country is in safe hands .........

                          So the question is , can the Conservatives sort out this mess ?
                          ( the question isn`t , could Labour sort it out ? , as there are so many staunch Torys on here ,i`m interested on your views on the state of the Conservative party at the moment and the situation the theyve led the country into )
                          most politicians. now are career politicians me first party second country third maybe....oh fourth forgot about their other jobs.

                          as Facto said all parties are much the same and time for a new party,thinking and new laws re being an MP.

                          Lets face it if the crowd currently in charge and maybe the last 40 50 years ,if in charge of a company wiuld have gone broke


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bill View Post

                            most politicians. now are career politicians me first party second country third maybe....oh fourth forgot about their other jobs.

                            as Facto said all parties are much the same and time for a new party,thinking and new laws re being an MP.

                            Lets face it if the crowd currently in charge and maybe the last 40 50 years ,if in charge of a company wiuld have gone broke
                            Very true Bill , lets face it the economy does lurch from boom to bust ,from one recession ,growth ,then the next recession , and with the inequality between the very few richest in society and the poorest forever growing , i think it goes to show that Capitalism only really works for the ver rich . It seems to me that we are constantly being told that Capitalism is the only way ,by the people who are doing very well out of it,and have a vested interest in keeping the status quo.
                            I`m not suggesting i know what would work for everyone ,but the the current system obviously dosn`t .
                            Rangers,Scooters ,Tunes and Trainers


                            • #15
                              Brentwood by birth
                              tory as not ethnic minority,lesbian,tree hugging, northern single parent.
                              Essex is blue
                              Chelmsford City the home of Radio

