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Westminster / Manchester / London Bridge / Parsons Green attacks

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  • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
    That Qatar situation is the biggest loads of BS I've heard in a while Hubs. Not a chance was that anything to do with sponsoring terror.
    Not yet mate. But my head office is in Dubai along with most of my mates. Also know a lot in Qatar. Been keeping a very close eye on developments.

    Will catch up on watching some videos this weekend.


    • Saudi Arabia's national football team was criticised for not taking part in a minute's silence.

      Thoughts on this Hubs?


      • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post

        Thoughts on this Hubs?
        Will have to watch later Tarbs, travelling today.


        • Originally posted by Hubble View Post
          Will have to watch later Tarbs, travelling today.
          Article actually mate. Saudi football team refusing to observe a minutes silence in their game vs Australia yesterday!


          • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
            Article actually mate. Saudi football team refusing to observe a minutes silence in their game vs Australia yesterday!
            Nothing to do with Islam


            • Ah yes I've seen that. Disgraceful and no surprise at all. 'Our' great allies, the Saudis. May and her mates love 'em.


              • Originally posted by 1QPRDK View Post
                Nothing to do with Islam
                To be fair, the Saudi interpretation of Islam is they type of Islam that I have a problem with!


                • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                  To be fair, the Saudi interpretation of Islam is they type of Islam that I have a problem with!
                  Different interpretations of Islam, are all like different colours of snow. For me, they are all white, but fair play for being able to tell them apart.


                  • Originally posted by 1QPRDK View Post
                    Different interpretations of Islam, are all like different colours of snow. For me, they are all white, but fair play for being able to tell them apart.
                    Wahhabism mate, invented by the Saudi's and literally the forerunner for all fundamentalist interpretations of Islam that exist today!


                    • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                      Wahhabism mate, invented by the Saudi's and literally the forerunner for all fundamentalist interpretations of Islam that exist today!
                      I know mate. But can you truly say, there is any islamic country, where we can find a good model for the future of humanity?


                      • Originally posted by 1QPRDK View Post
                        I know mate. But can you truly say, there is any islamic country, where we can find a good model for the future of humanity?
                        That's true.

                        But the same could be said for the Right Wing, greedy, corrupt, Capitalist societies that we are building in many countries in the West too!


                        • Originally posted by Tarbie View Post
                          That's true.

                          But the same could be said for the Right Wing, greedy, corrupt, Capitalist societies that we are building in many countries in the West too!
                          Two wrongs donīt make a right. And right wing, greedy, corrupt, capitalist societies apply to all countries these days. Sadly itīs the new world order, and I donīt think Islam is the way to get rid of it.


                          • Originally posted by 1QPRDK View Post
                            Two wrongs donīt make a right. And right wing, greedy, corrupt, capitalist societies apply to all countries these days. Sadly itīs the new world order, and I donīt think Islam is the way to get rid of it.
                            Agree with all of that too.

                            As you've probably gathered by my comments on this thread, I just wish that we as a people (and by that I mean the world), could embrace more moderate politics and more moderate interpretation of scripture. I wish more people could see the dangers of political and religious extremism, and fight harder eradicate to extremism from our daily lives.

                            We're all going to have different opinions and want to live different ways of life. But in this modern world, which with the internet and international travel, has become a very small place, if we could all just learn to be more moderate and understanding of others, then a lot of our current problems would disappear.
                            Last edited by Tarbie; 09-06-2017, 05:24 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Hove Ranger View Post
                              Stan you clearly like the bloke and that's fair enough, hence the lengthy reply.

                              Tbf after reading your response a 2nd time there are a few issues; You say he is a lib dem but it was pretty common knowledge he only represented lib dems after being turned down by labour and the tories. I remember reading interviews with Nick Clegg who said he regretted allowing him to run with lib dems as he felt Nawaz was more concerned with promoting himself and his brand rather than the lib dems. The neocon links are related to who the major contributors to Quilliam US are and further to this the complete 360 turn around on their stance on Israel which coincided with the creation of Quilliam US and the funding from across the pond. You say the identity of the funders/donors/contributors is less significant than their message, well i disagree, especially in the neoliberal capitalist society we live. Is the message/narrative a separate entity to the funding?

                              These reasons among others lead for me to say "Fark Majid Nawaz....." and I stand by it. I haven't suggested that he is the real enemy over the jihadis and I haven't suggested anyone take their eyes off the ball and focus on Nawaz. I stated a few things that I've previously come across that discredit Nawaz as an expert or public figure on this subject. He is making a career from being an ex-muslim and I suppose fair play to him but I won't be dancing to his tune
                              Interesting stuff Hove. It all sounds rather murky and I wasn't aware of any of this previously. ​If the suggestion is that he has changed his stance on certain topics according to who he's being funded by then that's a charge I'd be interested to hear his response to.

                              All I can say is much of his views and rhetoric rings true to me; and if you have a moderate Muslim like him striving as much as he does to combat extremism and radicalisation from within his own religion then this surely has to be a good thing. Better that reform comes from within the religion than from outside of it. I would also say that, from listening regularly to his discourse, he comes from very much a liberal perspective, not right-wing at all. (That's what I was getting at in my previous post.) This is certainly info I'll take into consideration though, so thanks for raising it mate.


                              • Originally posted by Stanley View Post
                                Interesting stuff Hove. It all sounds rather murky and I wasn't aware of any of this previously. ​If the suggestion is that he has changed his stance on certain topics according to who he's being funded by then that's an allegation I'd be interested to hear his response to.

                                All I can say is much of his views and rhetoric rings true to me; and if you have a moderate Muslim like him striving as much as he does to combat extremism and radicalisation from within his own religion then this surely has to be a good thing. Better that reform comes from within the religion than from outside of it. I would also say that, from listening regularly to his discourse, he comes from very much a liberal perspective, not right-wing at all.
                                This is very, very true!

