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Norwich Fans

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  • Norwich Fans

    I hate Norwich anyway but their fans outside before and after the game have made that dislike multiply

    There were some right gobby ones on Ellersie Rd before game and on the Blom after.

    One before the game was shouting all sorts walking along the road especially when he was passing women and kids basically trying to show off and bully so I stood him up and told him to bahave himself and that he was a trappy twunt he put his head down and shuffled along to the away end entrance.

    After the game as I get to the Zebra crossing who do I see this t it shouting the odds again 'cockney this cockney that' 'we live in a shi thole' 'going down' bla bla bla so I shouted and got his attention and opened my arms as to say 'what you playing at we have already had this conversation' he looked a bit surprised his head went down again and he tried to loose himself in the crowd as I made my way towards him but thank the lord other Rangers walking his direction heard me pipe up and started abusing him which he deserved

    I really do hate Norwich fans. Its not often I endorce serving up opo fans but this dude really deserved it

  • #2
    They are such #####. Speak like divs, looks like divs and have about 16 fingers in their mongrel city.
    First game: Arsenal vs Queen's Park Rangers at Highbury, Saturday 17th November 1984.


    • #3
      they not bad at theirs v us though give as good as get
      Chelmsford City the home of Radio


      • #4
        Your right they do have a look about them. All their fans are what I would say are rotund. Not slim but not obese but the yellow top Stretched over their bodies does them no favours.

        Hammersmith I cant express just how much I dislike them. On a positive side at lest they have not beaten us this season they usually do the double

        I know Facto is a fan of Norwich so he will be on soon to defend them


        • #5
          Can I just make quite clear I HATE Norwich

          I thank you

