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  • Linesman

    Does anyone think one of the reasons why we had such poor descions against us by linos this season come down to the fact that our fans are so on top of them, they get so much abuse by us, that they develop a disliking for us and are therefore influenced in their descions against us?

  • #2
    It's supposed to work the other way and we get the decisions??
    Maybe I'll stop abusing them then.....then again maybe not.
    Thank **ck thats all over with !!! need a holiday!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by suttonranger View Post
      It's supposed to work the other way and we get the decisions??
      Maybe I'll stop abusing them then.....then again maybe not.
      Thats what i always thought tbh! though i wonder if that works more with Refs? though one bad descion from a lino and i will abuse them the whole game!


      • #4
        I don’t think so personally.

        Linos would not get decisions wrong just because they dislike us as they get loads of flak off the media and it could impact on their career. Its just bad decisions in my view and this season we got more then our fair share hopefully next season the luck is on our side.

