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Gorkss & Connolly

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  • #31
    Thing with Derry is that he stays focussed, he knows his job defensively, and passes well because plays the simple ball keeping possession. You don't often see him panic. On the other hand, Faurlin looked lost and not confident about where he should be.

    I wonder about the support of 3 attacking midfielders too, I don't expect Tarbs to chase back, but didn't realise Campbell and Smith would get caught high up so much, and maybe the reason why Faulin felt over-run?

    I'm not sure about 4-2-3-1 as we seem stretched, too deep at the back and too much space in midfield. I think in PL we should be 4-3-3, and keep it more compact.


    • #32
      Lets be honest about it,the situation is whatever 2 out of the 4 you partner together it is not going to be good enough for various reasons. Definate lack of pace with all of them,Connolly is too lightweight,Gab & Hall get pulled into areas they shouldnt.Out of all of them Gorkss has the best positional sense but Hall and Gab has the more power and presence.Unfortunately for NW who ever he partners together it will have flaws and now we are playing with the big boys they will be exploited.I think the best option could be Gorkss and Gab !!


      • #33
        Originally posted by BennyBoyRs View Post
        I thought Gabbidon played well.

        Yepp, he did.
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        • #34
          Last year the issue that stood out with the Gorksy and Connors partnership is how supreme they were in the air. It seemed that everything pumped in high was usually confidently won. When this pair did get caught it was a through ball which showed up the lack of pace that we all know about. However, clever use of elbows and body checks kept our goals against number down, but the yellow and red cards were often the penalty.

          With Hall and Gabs, yesterday we lost out in the air far far too often, and the ratio of high balls up to Davies for knock ons was working too well for them, and I do wonder if Connolly would have won more in the air than Hall, snuffing out the threat more.


          • #35
            Fitz has been nothing but a liability through out his QPR stay I havn't seen him play 10 descent games in 3 years
            Gabidon looks to me the better of a pair lacking the slightest hint of any sort of pace saying that I think Gabidon could do a job given a player to give him and some cover a sweeper and the best player to do that would be conners
            The 2 full backs arn't good enough but the center of any teams defence is what a back 4 is built around


            • #36
              Originally posted by Wrighty View Post
              They were best defensive pair in championship so why change a winning pair!?!?


              • #37
                Dyer may be the answer at RB
                Quite why an injury prone winger was exposed to tackles and blocks at RB is beyond me.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by stainrod10 View Post
                  Quite why an injury prone winger was exposed to tackles and blocks at RB is beyond me.

                  Before i get on to the CB partnership, i have to agree with the above post ref Dyer... Why on earth was he playing at RB. Yes he may be greeat there if we have the best of a game, come under little pressure and are attacking constantly. I'm sure he'd overlap like a dream. BUT, we were never going to be in that situation and i feel with his history it was an accident waiting to happen, especially against he likes of Bolton who are rough and tumble.

                  Not only that, but by playing an injury hit WINGER at RB instead actual RB's he's probably completely knocked their confidence for six. Considering, i actually felt Orr did ok when he came on.

                  As for CB, i can't believe Gorkks and Connolly have been bombed out as they have been after last season's performance. Hall was fit for much of last season but was on the bench, so how is he suddenly a better option??? AS for Gabbidon, i actually think he played very well and had one brilliant block in particular when Petrov broke, up until his shocking decision making for the OG, after which he played poorly.

                  I think Gorkks and Connolly should have started. Mainly as we will be up against the odds this year, and if nothing else, they have a massive understanding with one another, as does Kenny, Hill and Orr.... why disrupt that. I know for certain, if they's all played together, that 4th goal wouldn't have happened as there wouldn't have been a huuuge gap in the centre of defence....

