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Adel Taarabt

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  • Adel Taarabt

    Right, I'm Adel's biggest fan, and I think he's been amazing for us this season and has the potential to be one of the best players in the world. But for the last couple of months he hasn't been half the player he was earlier in the season, e.g. vs Reading, Preston and Swansea at home.

    I know you can say he's been out of form but I think it's more than that, because, as he said, his goal at the start of the season was to score 20 goals, and after Watford he said he has 1 game left to score his 20th, but when he came on vs Leeds on Saturday he had no intention of scoring that 20th1.

    Is it because the late passing of his cousin? Or does he still have a problem with his stomach muscles? Or is there too much expectation on him to do something spectacular? I know he's been scoring like vs Cardiff and Watford but he just hasn't been that same player, he doesn't look like he has any confidence to go past his man, maybe Savage took his mojo that night vs Derby.

    Just wondered if anyone else noticed this? Well you must've.

    And I'm suddenly doubting if he CAN really do it in the Premiership, because we can't play a system that revolves round him next season (if he's still at the club), we have to play 4-4-2 and he'll have to go on the wing, and so he'll have to work (which I doubt he will) and teams like Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal will of course exploit this.

  • #2
    I assume it´s just a small dip in form. Nothing to worry about , because I think I have seen a more matured Adel during the last matches. Having him in team is still of vital importance as far as I´m concerned. Who knows, maybe him and Chamakh will form a very successful partnership next season.
    BUT for his sake, I hope he is aware of the fact that he has to track back more often next season, Tactically,I think we will see an even better Taarabt next year! I am sure his passing part of the game will explode into world-class quality.
    Best team in the world
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    • #3
      Nope. Next please.


      • #4
        watch out m8 your gonna get Silvercue on this thread in a bit with his "No wonder he wants to leave if everybody keeps having a pop at him" rant

        for what its worth i actually agree with you that the jury is still out on whether Adel can do it in the prem...
        moments of game winning brilliance but the guy is still a spoilt arrogant selfish git that the rest of the team have had to pander to all season.
        Without doubt im sure if a big enough club come in for him the guy will be off like a shot...can we really blame him tho?


        • #5
          But I love his arrogance and selfishness! That's why he's so good. And I love the way he went at the front in the promotion photos after the game on saturday, like its all about him, i'm not having a pop at him, I just wonder why he hasn't been the same player the last couple of months.


          • #6
            I'm not sure this 4-2-3-1 formation will work in the PL, too much space left in the middle of the park, and I also think Adel is better pushed on as a second striker, edge of the 18 yard box. Maybe Neil will consider a 4-4-1-1, with Adel just off the striker.


            • #7
              Gerry - I see you pinched my photo for your Avatar.

              You're welcome


              • #8
                Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
                Gerry - I see you pinched my photo for your Avatar.

                You're welcome
                Cheers, great pic.
                I had John Hollins before, and was starting to get hate mail and death threats so needed something quick...


                • #9
                  LOL, I guess Spark is a safe bet controversy wise :P


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Snaxo View Post
                    LOL, I guess Spark is a safe bet controversy wise :P
                    Boooooo! Bring back Jude!!!

