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Positive reading

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  • Positive reading


    Current Premier League title holders Chelsea have had recent flirtations with the murky waters of third party owned players. Their deal to sign Brazilian midfielder Ramires from Benfica in 2010 underwent severe FA scrutiny but was eventually allowed to proceed despite strong rumours suggesting that £6 million of the total £17 million fee paid made its way to an Iranian businessman with a chequered history regarding third party ownership deals, rather than Benfica receiving the full amount as stipulated by their strict rules.

    Also encouragingly for Rangers, according to FA regulations, all funds used for the purchase of overseas players must go through the FA itself who act as a “clearing-house” to ensure the funds go where they are supposed to. This procedure was followed at the time Faurlín was signed by the club and so the FA has had full knowledge of the amount paid for the player and where that amount was paid to since way back in July 2009.

    The club are also expected to claim that recent press coverage of the saga has already affected their chances of successfully defending their case and has tarnished the club’s image before their legal battle has even commenced.

    Whichever way the case goes perhaps the most important question currently being asked is why have the FA chose to act now? With the alleged offences taking place in July 2009 and October 2010 respectively it seems strange that the governing bodies should wait until the final week of the season to conduct their hearing. Naturally many are concluding that the reason for this peculiar timing is so that the FA can make a high profile example of the club in the hope of deterring any further occurrence of issues such as are thought to have taken place.

    With thousands of QPR fans, including their talismanic captain Adel Taarabt, claiming the timing of this hearing and any resulting punishment are unfair on the players who have battled hard all season to earn their promotion only time will tell what fate awaits the West London club and that time is likely to feel as long as the season itself for many.


    I still don't think we will get done, small fine at most
    Under Les Ferdinand:
    Luke Freeman, top assists in the league: 4million
    Alex Smithies, great goalie for this club: 3,5million
    Charlie Austin, 19 Premier League goals: 4million
    Jack Robinson: Contract ran out, left for free
    And many more mistakes
