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Met NW at the game Hampton yesterday

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  • Met NW at the game Hampton yesterday

    We were stood behind the goal in the first half and NW & his young son stood next to us.

    A quick hand shake & how you doing got the reply of 'ill be alright if/when (cant remember) i get 1 or 2 more strikers in'

    He was'nt very talkative so we let him get on with his job or he was'nt saying much as it would have been on here.

    He did say to several that he would sign autographs and pose at half time as he wanted to watch the game - thats fair enough as he is our manager and watching players should be an element of that I suppose.

    I did ask who the right midfielder with no number on his shirt was - Mid 20's white bloke with slightly receeding hair, quite quick. The answer was 'Ive no idea' - surely he would know wouldnt he??

    Didnt ask much more (would love to have done) but thought otherwise and let him get on with his job with & doing his best for the club which is more important than talking to me.

    The left midfielder was that Moussa from Southend, looked lively but surely we must be setting our goals higher than that eh?

    Another bloke who I wasnt sure about was a big black centre back looked mid to late 20's as well - cant be a reserve can he? anyone know?

    Saw Vine and Pellican standing by the tunnel during the 2nd half, Rowan was more than happy to pose and sign, he looked quite happy really - maybe he's got an offer?

    The Italian looked moody - maybe he hasnt.

    Also there were Tony Gale & Brian Barwick who is apparently the chairman/owner.

    After more posing & signing Neil drove off into the sunset in a nice new Jag.

    Missed all the goals as was stood on the forecourt off the bar.

    The three pubs were nice on the way to the ground. Hope we are there again next season.

    Heres hoping for Neils wish list
    Last edited by suttonranger; 01-08-2010, 11:10 AM.
    Thank **ck thats all over with !!! need a holiday!!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by suttonranger View Post
    We were stood behind the goal in the first half and NW & his young son stood next to us.

    A quick hand shake & how you doing got the reply of 'ill be alright if/when (cant remember) i get 1 or 2 more strikers in'

    He was'nt very talkative so we let him get on with his job or he was'nt saying much as it would have been on here.

    He did say to several that he would sign autographs and pose at half time as he wanted to watch the game - thats fair enough as he is our manager and watching players should be an element of that I suppose.

    I did ask who the right midfielder with no number on his shirt was - Mid 20's white bloke with slightly receeding hair, quite quick. The answer was 'Ive no idea' - surely he would know wouldnt he??

    Didnt ask much more (would love to have done) but thought otherwise and let him get on with his job with & doing his best for the club which is more important than talking to me.

    The left midfielder was that Moussa from Southend, looked lively but surely we must be setting our goals higher than that eh?

    Another bloke who I wasnt sure about was a big black centre back looked mid to late 20's as well - cant be a reserve can he? anyone know?

    Saw Vine and Pellican standing by the tunnel during the 2nd half, Rowan was more than happy to pose and sign, he looked quite happy really - maybe he's got an offer?

    The Italian looked moody - maybe he hasnt.

    Also there were Tony Gale & Brian Barwick who is apparently the chairman/owner.

    After more posing & signing Neil drove off into the sunset in a nice new Jag.

    Missed all the goals as was stood on the forecourt off the bar.

    The three pubs were nice on the way to the ground. Hope we are there again next season.

    Heres hoping for Neils wish list

    Yeah Warnock turned up about 10 mins into the first half with his son. Thought the right mid looked cack, couldnt beat the left back. German came on and bagged a brace, lucky with the first one as keeper dropped it, Green esk. Didnt see the 2nd 1 as I was heading out to the pub.

    2nd half Warnock was sitting on the bench shouting orders to the team.

    Vine looked very lazy, I really want him to come good but he doesnt put the work in to make it happen.


    • #3
      what was the score and was this the 1st team?


      • #4
        2 - 1

        german got 2. 1 nil down.

        only 1st teamers if you would class them as such



        Rose and german subs
        Thank **ck thats all over with !!! need a holiday!!!


        • #5
          Dreadful 1st half by both sides and only a little bit better in the 2nd


          • #6
            i rate Moussa myself.Weve got the better trialist as Cov got Laraunt who is woefull from Sarfend on trial at the mo.
            Chelmsford City the home of Radio


            • #7
              There's only 1 Toni German.


              • #8
                Mousa was woeful, league 2 at best, generally the team was pretty poor with not much to be positive about bar the young black kid who came on at right wing for the last 15 minutes and tore them apart creating the first goal, he looked very useful, did not catch his name though

