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Half way stage...

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  • Half way stage...

    I'm happy

    1. Fans
    If you were a neutral you can't really be impressed with seeing so many empty seats in home ends of both games. Thought both Derby's and Rselves away following showed the respective clubs cared. Like them or not palace last season did show the world what the fans wanted.
    Brighton 2/5
    Derby 4/5
    Wigan 3/5
    Rss 4/5

    2. Performance
    All the doom & gloom seems ill judged. From the two games, nothing shown that we shouldn't have been invited to the party.
    Thought Brighton to be poor, tactic seemed get the ball to lua lua.
    Derby - looked solid and confident
    Wigan - ok but do look like they have a problem scoring against us, hopefully this will continue.
    R'sss - solid professional performance, actually looked like we were a football team and avoided any calamities. Thought out of the 4 we were the team that looked like we still had something in the locker, ravel going off with Arrys arm round him showed he knew he underperformed ...which to me was quality he's hungry...stage set for Zaha moment. Austin was put on defensive duties and Traore gutted to go off plus Niko could within a second change the game.
    Brighton 2/5
    Derby 4/5
    Wigan 3/5
    R'sss 3/5

    3. Management
    Thought brights & wig management looked under pressure, Stevie looked calm and in control as expected. Arry as I think deeps mentioned on another thread was tactically astute with sensible substitutions, we went out with a plan normally we ain't got a clue with set plays but looked tight yesterday. Don't think Arry will crack ...
    Brighton 2/5
    Derby 4/5
    Wigan 3/5
    R'sss 4/5

    4. Conclusion
    Pleased where we are, always the concern is that a calamity is only a second away whether Barton, Dunne, hill getting sent off or Green gifting a goal. If we can avoid imploding then we have a good chance.

  • #2
    have you been eating superfoods for breakfast...........well thought out...well written and spot on conclusion!
    you know nothing john snow!!!!

