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South Korea VS Brazil

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  • South Korea VS Brazil

    If you question that this has nth to do with QPR, remember!

    remember Oscar is playing for Chelsea, if he tires out or injured out, it will be a good news for us.

    Hulk, the one linked with Chelsea, might get injured as well.

    It will be a tough game.

    North Korean footballers are forced to do their best with their life on stake because if they dont play well, they will be sent to mining spots for the rest of their life.

    Nth is known officially but.... I think its true.

    For South Korean footballers, if they win a medal or do well in any International competition such as Olympics, Asian Game, World cup, they will be free from 2 years army service.

    They are highly motivated for it.


    This is what happened during the match against the GB last time.

    after first half ended, South Korean players were gathered and listened to a song called

    "The letter from Private first class"

    The army song conveying a private's miserable feelings as he misses his family and lover.

    Very depressing song to scare the s*** out of our players.

    After hearing the song, their eyes became like the hawk's

    then the second half began and they were able to defend the all out attack from the gb.

    later on, the manager Hong, talked to the players

    "Dont you have a dream? A Dream that could make u keep urself dreaming and marching forwards?"

    "Lets free ourselves from such burdensome duties! Lets win this one everyone!"

    Players : " Aye! "
