Please Note: Video on the left is no longer available, only click on the right video advert for the time being.

We have made some changes and added a second video advert starting 1st August.

We have added our video adverts above the forum now, each time you load a new page please click on both video's.

The video on the left is to raise money to pay for this website and all future upgrades or updates.

The video on the right is to raise money for both QPR in the community & Kiyan Prince Foundation.

All we ask from our members and visitors is to click play on both video adverts everyday when ever you change pages, as long as the video starts playing that's fine. If you do it 10 times a day and 10 others do the same that would be 100 views, it all adds up.

All clicks/plays made by you make a difference so please help support this site and the two charity's we support.

Thank you

WATRB's Team